Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Blogging » Page 3
May 13, 2006 by dharmagrl
I've had this blog here at JU for over 2 years now.  I've written a thousand plus articles; I opened my heart and sometimes my soul and poured the secrets held within onto the pages of this blog. I used to blog every day.  Lately, though....I've been lucky if I can force myself to produce a couple of articles a week. I've lost the will to blog.  I just don't feel like it anymore.  It's not that I don't have anything to write about' I've had plenty of happenings in my li...
May 10, 2006 by dharmagrl
I want to make a new blog group (the JU fitness club) but I can't for the life of me remember how to do it! Can anyone help?  Thanks!
February 14, 2006 by dharmagrl
I've been blogging here at JU for 2 years today.  Coincidentally, this is my nine hindred and ninety-ninth article. Almost a thousand articles.  Wow. That's a lot of ado about nothing, huh?  Sure, there have been some decent articles in there, but like that dietary information on some of the stuff you buy at the store says, 75% of it has been filler. 2 years is a long time too.  When I first started writing, my husband had just gone back to Greenland after 3 weeks ...
November 4, 2005 by dharmagrl
I don't know who this 'Alternative News' person is, or why they felt the need to flood the 'recent articles' list with one paragraph (and sometimes one sentence) articles.....but I wish they wouldn't do that.  Do they not know that it's just not good blog-iquette to do such a thing?  That it's somewhat rude and incredibly frustrating?  I suppose which case, I guess I should tell them. *Ahem*... Ahoy Hoy there, Sixy?!  Could you please pace yourself when it com...
October 13, 2005 by dharmagrl
Last week, when LoneSum got his laptop, Texas Wahine said that she wondered how it would be to surf the internet whilst laying on the couch.  LoneSum said that he'd let her know this week how it was.  He's been working late every night this week, and as I got a new laptop today I figured I'd answer for him. It's great.  Right now I'm sitting in our bed, writing this.  I'm wearing my blue satin leopard print pajamas, having a cup of chamomile tea, watching the BBC in Americ...
September 14, 2005 by dharmagrl
Today's mental health condition of the day is narcissism. NARCISSISM (n. sing.) A pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition. Narcissism is named after the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus who was a handsome Greek youth who rejected the desperate advances of the nymph Echo. In punishment of his cruelty, he was doomed to fa...
September 7, 2005 by dharmagrl
Link   Your birth on the 16th day of the month gives a sense of loneliness and generally the desire to work alone. You are relatively inflexible, and insist on your being independent. You need a good deal of time to rest and to meditate. You are introspective and a little stubborn. Because of this, it may not be easy for you to maintain permanent relationships, but you probably will as you are very much into home and family. This birth day inclines to interests in the...
September 7, 2005 by dharmagrl
Truday sent me some pictures of her and her new knee this morning, and asked that I post them for, here they are! This is Trudy in the nursing home after the surgery: And this is her knee the day after she went bionic!   Isn't she a cutie?!
June 19, 2005 by dharmagrl
I'm interested in knowing what people's personal beliefs are. I don't want what your book of faith tells you you should believe, so please don't trot out the party line...tell me what YOU think, what YOU hold to be true. I believe in Karma, I believe that what you do comes back to you. I believe that compassion, tolerance and love will get you far, and that spite and anger are destructive properties.   I believe that we have souls, and that when we die our souls are released and are e...
June 18, 2005 by dharmagrl
Every time I click on an article in the forums to read, I get an error message that says 'object refernce not set to the instance of an object' (or something like that). Am I the only person having this issue?   
June 3, 2005 by dharmagrl
I know that you read my blog.  Yeah know who you are.  I know that you read because your reading what I write here is what kicked this all off. You say that your feelings are hurt because I wrote about you. Did you ever stop to think that your actions hurt MY feelings, and that was why I wrote about them?  Do you not see that this blog is like my journal; that I vent here?   Do you not understand that I don't say anything here that I wouldn't say to yo...
June 2, 2005 by dharmagrl
Yes, I'm doing it again. I'm interrupting the flow of oh so important articles about politics and current events to talk about an appliance.  If you don't like reading about such things, I suggest you not read any further... I got me a new toy today. I got a Dirt Devil Floor Keeper.  I saw it at the BX, and it was marked down a whole usually retails for $99.99, but I got it for $35. It's worth the $100, believe me.  This thing is fantastic. ...
May 30, 2005 by dharmagrl
My friend Paris got this chain email from his dad....and he got irritated enough to respond to it.  It's a kick ass response too, I've made it bold so you can see where the email ends and his words begin... DID YOU KNOW? As you walk up the steps to thebuilding which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view  ... it is Moses a...
May 8, 2005 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
May 6, 2005 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.