Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Blogging » Page 11
April 8, 2005 by dharmagrl
This is my 588th article. That means that I'm 12 articles away from 600 (and some of you will know what significance that holds). Wow.  That's a huge amount of crap to have churned out. I think that I'm going to start cutting and printing.
April 5, 2005 by dharmagrl
Man, this is some sexy ass shit right here.....   She said she wanted to have sex with strings attached; Only to her arms and wrist. Said she had, had her heart broken far too many times to even consider walking down that road again She said she only wanted to partake, in the physical. Said she, wanted me to fill her chest, with my treasure; Then afterwards, pretend like I had never even met her. But there was something about the way her insides taste after they had ...
March 20, 2005 by dharmagrl
Why is it that some people seem to thrive on other's misfortune?  I know a few people like that....they really seem to enjoy making other people feel small.  They say that they like to see people 'taken down a peg or two'; they're happy when someone else fails.  They behave as though they're morally superior.....but they never make any claims of perfection themselves.  To do so would crack the facade that they've created for themselves, so they are very vocal about some o...
March 20, 2005 by dharmagrl
I don't know quite what happened last night, but I couldn't access JU.  I kept getting an error message, which sometimes happens when I try to access my page.  Usually I can go straight to the main page and get on with no problems...but this time I got an error message that told me JU didn't exist.  This problem persisted until this afternoon, actually until a few minutes ago when I finally got JU to come up.  I know that this place has been a bit buggy of late, but this ...
March 18, 2005 by dharmagrl
Earlier this week I wrote an article about the scruffy appearance of some reservists on the base I live on.  In that article I referred to them as 'Weekend Warriors'. I would like to apologize for using that particular term.  I realize that some resevists find it offensive, just as some active duty members find it offensive when they are referred to as 'boys and girls' or 'kids'.   I also realize that reservists and Guard members do their part (and sometimes more than thei...
March 18, 2005 by dharmagrl
Book-a-holics is up and running... Any JUser is welcome to come and write a book review here.  Let the rest of the community know what you're reading and what you thought of it.  You can write about any genre from sci-fi to Chaucer to poerty to romance...if it's about books and literature, it's welcome here! Happy reading, y'all!
March 18, 2005 by dharmagrl
....create a blog group? I want to create a blog group for book reviews.  I want to have a place where JoeUsers can come and write book reviews, recommend (or not) books and literature, or even discuss the books that they're reading/have read. I tried to create a blog group from my account, but I get a 'you do not have admin privileges' message. Anyone got any ideas?
March 12, 2005 by dharmagrl
I found this in 'The Time Traveller's Wife', and I read it to my husband.  He said that it sums up pretty accurately what he feels about our life together....and I think that many of you men out there (particularly the military members) might be able to identify with it...   'I hate to be where she is not, when she is not.  And yet, I am always going, and she cannot follow.' (Audrey Niffenegger, 'The Time traveller's Wife') 'Nuff said, I think.....
March 5, 2005 by dharmagrl
"In Germany they came first for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me--and by that time no one was left to speak up." (Martin Niemoller) His words were relevant then, and they are relevant ...
March 4, 2005 by dharmagrl
I had a reprieve from the calls and emails today.  I dunno if that's because whoever it was got tired of playing silly buggers or because I was vocal about getting the cops involved or what....but the usual lunchtime onslaught of crap didn't happen today.  The attorney who gave me the advice to initiate a police report came and sat at my desk this morning and asked me how it was going.  She's an absolute sweetie...a truly nice person.  Come to think of it, I work with an ...
March 3, 2005 by dharmagrl
The bullshit that's been laid upon me and my family in the past few days is some of the lowest behaviour I've ever experienced.  Whoever did it is a cowardly piece of shit who has some real personality defects.  I could have taken it better if it had been directed against me personally, but it wasn't just about was about my family too. My husband and I spent the better part of yesterday evening calling all of our friends and relatives to give them our new phone number.&n...
February 28, 2005 by dharmagrl
I was supposed to have left here by now. I was supposed to be long gone, with not even a second glance.... ....and as you all can tell, I'm still here. I feel like a fraud.  I feel like I wound you all up for nothing, that I made empty and idle threats. I didn't.  I had every intention of splitting.  I emailed all the right people and asked them to do all the things I had requested....and they asked me if them taking care of a little business would change my mind. I...
February 22, 2005 by dharmagrl
Despite my ability to mentally compartmentalize, I used to find myself taking things that happen here with me when I got up and walked away from the computer. Good things, and bad things.  Things that made me laugh and smile, and things that made my heart pound and my stomch knot itself up in ire and angst.  I used to wake in the middle of the night sometimes with my pulse racing, the event that had caused me such sorrow in the forefront of my mind. I've had to stop doing that.&n...
January 21, 2005 by dharmagrl
This has been coming for a few days now....and I simply can't keep it in any longer. SPELLING CORRECTLY IS IMPORTANT. I'm not talking about the odd slip here and there, we all do that.  I'm talking about a lack of basic spelling skills we all learned when we first started writing.  I'm talking about teenagers, highschoolers not being able to string a sentence together without making a mistake.  I'm also talking about finding it funny and insignificant that you can't spel...
January 1, 2005 by dharmagrl
As an act of goodwill, I have decided to rescind my decision to allow only registered users to respond on my blog.  It's open for all....anyone who wishes to comment may do so. I have made my peace with those I formerly described as trolls, and they are welcome here.  I stand by my 'zero tolerance' policy....any troll-esque remarks will still be deleted, but I honestly don't expect too many now.  May 2005 usher in a new era of understanding and mutual respect.  Let...