*In no particular order....*
You cannot make someone love you.
Sex does NOT equal love.
People who talk a lot usually know very little.
People who speak very little usually know a lot.
There is no religion greater than the truth.
Other people will judge you by those you associate with.
Karma is a whore who requires payment up front (many thanks to LW for her eloquence
Plaid pants and safety pins do not a punk make.
Communism is a good idea in theory, but it doesn’t work so well in practice. People think that they’re all going to be equally rich when in fact they’re all made equally poor.
Same thing with socialized medicine: good theory but doesn’t work so well in practice. Unless you think that 3 year waiting lists for hip replacement surgeries is good practice, that is.
Many people wear T-shirts with Che Guevara on the front but very few of them actually know what he was about.
Same thing with anarchy symbols.
You should play your cards very close to your chest when dealing with a gossip, because if she’s talking TO you about other people, you can bet she’s talking ABOUT you to even more folks.
The course of true love never runs smooth, but it’s always, always worth the hassle.
That which doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
Adversity builds character. So does diarrhea, but who needs that?!
Laughter really is the best medicine.
Always treat things that you borrow better than you’d treat your own possessions.
If you want to end a friendship quickly, lend someone money.
You can choose your friends, but you’re stuck with your kinfolk.
Love is like a handful of sand; the tighter you squeeze it, the faster it runs through your fingers.
There’s no shame in crying; tears can be very therapeutic.
You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead (that's a Dave-ism)
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