I've found a lump in my left breast. I had hesitated to write about this because I thought it too personal, too intimate to post...but then I thought some more and realized that this is probably the best place to talk about it. I found the lump quite by accident. I was sitting on the couch and had an itch, so I reached over to scratch and felt a mass, about the size of half an egg, in my left breast. Not wanting to alarm the kids, I went to my bedroom to explore further. I to...
Today is the day that I get a preliminary idea of what this lump in my breast might be. I'm not scared anymore. I thought about it all weekend, running every scenario I could imagine through my head, until I finally got myself into an almost zen state over it. It is whatever it is, and i will deal with whatever it is accordingly. It may be nothing, or it may be something. Either way, I will deal with whatever comes and I will press on. That's all there is to it. No point in worry...
...Vegemite and cheese sandwiches! Thanks, Muggaz!
Let's see... Rolling Rock Green Light Low Carb beer....yummy! Pickled onions (the really big ones, not those wussy silverskin things) Vegemite or Marmite on toast Old English Bulldogs (getting one when we move to the UK later this year) NYPD Blue (more specifically, Sipowitz and the character's progression throughout the series) My new glasses (if I knew how to post a pic I'd be able to show you all...) Taking a hot bath after dark with the drapes open so I can look at the...
I did it. I defended my personal space. I had written a blog a week or so ago about my need for distance between me and people I don't know, and some of the responses I got suggested that the next time I felt like I was being invaded I should defend my space. So I did. I was at the airport this morning, waiting for my friend Jim to arrive. I was at the gate, and became actuely aware of a very large young man standing about a foot behind me breathing heavily. I moved. He followed. ...
I'm feeling trapped. I awoke at 4am to the sound of the wind howling outside my bedroom window. The storm we're experiencing was supposed to be over by now... I turned on the TV to find (much to my dismay) that the locals school districts have decided to close today due to the weather. Not good. We all got cabin fever yesterday, I'm not sure if we can survive another day without someone going postal. So I got up and look out the window...or I tried to look out the window. Our hous...
This is what it looks like around here this morning... Link fun, fun, huh?
Ok, I'm free..... ..but my neighbors are going to have to work a little to get out, as you can see from the pics (theirs is the house with the gold pick-up in front of it) Link SNOW SUCKS!!!!!!!! Just wanted to say that....
I've decided what I want to do with what's left of my life. Actually, I decided what i wanted to do over a year ago, but just got sidetracked a little.....a lot, really. I'm applying for a Private Investigator's license. I started the classes last year, whilst I was working patrol for a security company, and managed to do quite well....before getting involved in other things (Dave leaving, the accident, etc, etc). I just got despondent, depressed even, about a lot of things, and learni...
I'm going to do something a little out of character now - toot my own horn for a bit. As you all know, we had a monster storm come in over the weekend (see my blog and associated pics for more details), and everyone got buried in snow. My neighbours got it pretty bad...their truck got drifted in, as did their house. We all spent most of yesterday digging out..I got done around lunch time and retreated inside for hot tea and a nap. Just as it was getting dark, I heard engines revvin...
I had what can only be described as a sublime experience this afternoon. I had purchased George Harrison's Greatest Hits and was contentedly doing some housework whilst listening to it. "My Sweet Lord' came on...and I was, for some reason, moved to tears. I was in the kitchen, singing along at the top of my voice, giving it all I had, clapping, dancing, with a big manic grin on my face and what can only be described as tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. I have never, ever had any...
This is something I wrote ages ago, when things were not going too terribly well at home. This was written in winter, in a truck, on post, in the dark ...I was watching the snow come down and trying to stay warm in between doing perimeter checks and spotlighting bunnies and the occasional junkyard dog. Love Lost? Emptiness where love used to be Darkness no hope of light. Pain in place of desire Aching with no respite. Existence in place of life Apathy no will to fight. ...
Not the best I've ever written, but here ya go: A little ditty about housewifely duties...somewhat unfinished, and I'm open to suggestions. DOMESTIC BLUES The kitchen's clean The kid's are fed I've put clean sheets On all the beds. The floors are mopped The toilet's brushed I wonder why I feel so rushed? So much to do! So little time! I swear not all These socks are mine! Forget the wash, The dusting too. Kick up my feet And sit a few. Who cares about neat? If ...
I was going to entitle this blog 'Lucky me'..but I don't really believe in luck, so 'fortunate' it was. I am married to the best dude ever...he's just awesome. Dave is one cool cat, that's for sure. I have 3 kids who are healthy, and who are turning out to be independant, well rounded free thinking individuals. Before I had kids I always said that I wanted to raise them to not afraid to be who they are and to stand up for what they think.... and it seems that's the case with all of...
I found this quote from the Upanishads: 'You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your deep driving desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny' That statment has some powerful consequences. You desire has the power to make you, to complete you as a person...but it also has the power to totally destroy you. It made me look at what my driving desire is..... What's yours?