Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Misc » Page 4
October 6, 2007 by dharmagrl
I have a pretty good 'gut' instinct.  I know when someone isn't being totally truthful with me; when they're not all that they claim to be - and when they're fabricating things that they've done and places that they've been. I've had my eye on someone in my life for a while now.  They started off small, with little white lies here and there, intermingled with truth so as to disguise them better.  When people didn't notice - or didn't call them out on them - the lies got bigger....
October 6, 2007 by dharmagrl
Although I've been knitting for 30 years, there's something I've never tried. Knitting socks from the toe up. Most of the sock patterns I have require that you start from the top and work your way down.  Bascially, you cast on 60-ish stitches, join them together to form a round, and knit a tube.  You separate your stitches for the heel and when you're done working that back and forth, you join the whole thing back together to form another tube and knit until your sock is long eno...
October 1, 2007 by dharmagrl
I had first written this in response on another thread Link but decided that the subject deserved an entire article instead. When Dave and I first got married, he was an Airman First Class - just two ranks above Airman Basic, the lowest enlisted rank of the Air Force.  I was pregnant with our second child, and we already had an almost-two year old.  I wasn't working, so we relied upon his income to feed, house and clothe all three of us.  Needless to say, we cou...
September 28, 2007 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 22, 2007 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 11, 2007 by dharmagrl
I always thought that the cover shot of a magazine should make a potential buyer want to snatch it up off the shelf; that it should be of the VERY BEST item that magazine has to offer. It should be titillating, exciting, enticeing, even. So why, then, does the current issue of Knit1 magazine look like this: What in the name of all that is holy is THAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It looks like a baby-poo green helmet made out of cheap-o cheesy chunky acrylic yarn with a silve...
September 10, 2007 by dharmagrl
My son turns thirteen tomorrow.  Thirteen.  He's a teenager now.  That blows my mind. He's gone from being a fuzzy-headed little baby to a toothless, tow-headed kid (toothless because he tried to ride his little brother's ride-on ambulance down the steps, knocking his front teeth out) who had an angelic little grin and who wanted blue hair so badly he agreed to take a shower every night (it was spray-on color: he got his blue hair and I got a clean kid), to a raven-ha...
September 8, 2007 by dharmagrl
My dad always wore a hat.  Always.  Winter or summer, rain or shine, when he went out he had a hat on his head.  Every single time. SInce he died last year, mum has steadily given away his things, either to us kids or to charity shops.  There are, however, a few things that she's hung onto; that she simply wasn't ready to get rid of just yet. One day last week she and I were chatting about things in general, and she mentioned that she was going to have to get rid of dad...
September 7, 2007 by dharmagrl
I grew up in a little village in rural Oxfordshire, about 15 miles from the city.  It was a small enough village that everyone knew each other; each person had a role to play and each child was literally raised by the whole village.  We had an attorney living down the street, an accountant next door to him, a retired district nurse (who happened to be my mum's best friend and who played a large part in my childhood), a farmer, a policeman, a baker and a butcher - but no candlestick mak...
September 7, 2007 by dharmagrl
My arms are aching from the HepB and tetanus shots I got this morning, and when I came home I found Grace had chewed Dave's new ball cap, the checkbook and a ball of my yarn. But I'm still smiling.  I'm still happy.  Wanna know why? SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My doc said there wasn't any reason for me to NOT go into nursing and signed off on my physical exam.  As long as my background check comes back clear, I'll be graduating in December. I was awake most of...
September 6, 2007 by dharmagrl
In order to progress to the clinical part of the class I'm taking, I have to get a physical. I had an appointment for last Thursday.  I'd never seen that particular doctor before, which worried my slightly. My worries were founded.  She came in, took my medical history and as soon as she heard about my back surgery she told me that she wasn't going to continue with the exam because she wouldn't clear me.  I told her that I've been working for 9 months, doing even more physic...
September 5, 2007 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 26, 2007 by dharmagrl
My yarn stash is almost out of control. There's a knitting terminology called 'critical mass'.  That means that you have more yarn than you can knit in your lifetime.  My stash isn't at critical mass yet, but it's getting there.  I've got yarn EVERYWHERE.  It's in baskets, in cedar boxes, trunks, tubs, in closets, shirt sleeves, the vanity under the bathoom sink, under my bed, behind the couch, in the laundry's every frikkin' where. So why is it...
August 23, 2007 by dharmagrl
I've recently been introduced to the concept of 'Freeganism'.  Freeganism is a way of life where.....well, the rules (guidelines) explain it far better than I ever could: *My thoughts about each of the guidelines are in itialics* 1.    I will not buy anything except for food, medical needs or in case of emergency. That seems pretty easy.  However, 'emergency' is pretty subjective.  2.    I will be a vegan. Not so easy.  I'v...
August 20, 2007 by dharmagrl
This time last week I was getting my patient cleaned up and comfortable in her bed.  I knew that she was on her way out of this life, but I thought that she had a few days (if not weeks) left. If you had told me that I'd be starting college classes today, I'd have laughed at you and told you to check your temperature because you must be delirious.   My life has changed a lot in the past 7 days.  First, my patient passed away.  I knew that she was terminally ill, but ...