My arms are aching from the HepB and tetanus shots I got this morning, and when I came home I found Grace had chewed Dave's new ball cap, the checkbook and a ball of my yarn.
But I'm still smiling. I'm still happy. Wanna know why?
SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My doc said there wasn't any reason for me to NOT go into nursing and signed off on my physical exam. As long as my background check comes back clear, I'll be graduating in December.
I was awake most of the night, worrying myself sick over this physical, so I'm going to go make a pot of coffee and relax in front of the TV. Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and best wishes - they worked (as did the affirmation ritual I did last night and this morning)!
Now I can concentrate on worrying about the background check