I did my usual routine this morning: get up, get the kids up, make coffee, check my email, visit JU to see what went on overnight. I usually hover my mouse over the article title so I can see who wrote it because there are bloggers who I avoid like they've got Gangrene and I've learned from experience that reading their stuff just makes for a bad start to the day. With perhaps one or two exceptions, every article was written by the same blogger. I went to the additional 'N...
This is the first article I've written in over a week. The migraine that I wrote about in my last article lasted until Monday, and had to be chased away by a shot of some strong meds and a LOT of sleep Monday afternoon. I just haven't felt like writing since then. I've taken some down time from blogging - from communicating with anyone, really. I haven't wanted to talk or email or see anyone, I just wanted to be left alone. I get that way sometimes. I dunn...
*I don't have anything that's worth a single article, so I'm condensing a few random things into a single article.* As I was getting dressed this morning I heard my eldest son in the 'game' room, singing " wo-oh, black betty, bam-a-lam, wo-oh black betty, bam-a-lam, wo-oh black betty, bam-a-lam, black betty had a child, bam-a-lam, the darn thing gone wild, bam-a-lam..." The kid has taste after all!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
I've had this blog here at JU for over 2 years now. I've written a thousand plus articles; I opened my heart and sometimes my soul and poured the secrets held within onto the pages of this blog. I used to blog every day. Lately, though....I've been lucky if I can force myself to produce a couple of articles a week. I've lost the will to blog. I just don't feel like it anymore. It's not that I don't have anything to write about' I've had plenty of happenings in my li...
I want to make a new blog group (the JU fitness club) but I can't for the life of me remember how to do it! Can anyone help? Thanks!
I registered with www.bloginspace.com a few months ago. Blog In Space takes people's blogs and transmits them out into space on the offchance that there's some form of life out there - and if there is, that they'll read these blogs and get a good look at humanity on planet earth (how humanity REALLY is, not how the government want extraterristrials to think it is). My blog has been deemed 'most likely to be contacted' and will be on the front page on May 8th. How cool is that?!!?! ...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
The Golden Rule: 'Don't bite the ice cream man's hand and expect him to give you more free ice cream.' That's JU's golden rule. That's the creed bloggers here should try and adhere to. Dissent is fine, the Ice Cream Man likes a good debate, but when it becomes a personal attack (or what he feels to be a personal attack).....that's where he draws the line. In the 2 years I've been blogging here I've seen a few people get exiled. Not a lot, just a few...and those few had...
I've been blogging here at JU for 2 years today. Coincidentally, this is my nine hindred and ninety-ninth article. Almost a thousand articles. Wow. That's a lot of ado about nothing, huh? Sure, there have been some decent articles in there, but like that dietary information on some of the stuff you buy at the store says, 75% of it has been filler. 2 years is a long time too. When I first started writing, my husband had just gone back to Greenland after 3 weeks ...
I don't know who this 'Alternative News' person is, or why they felt the need to flood the 'recent articles' list with one paragraph (and sometimes one sentence) articles.....but I wish they wouldn't do that. Do they not know that it's just not good blog-iquette to do such a thing? That it's somewhat rude and incredibly frustrating? I suppose not...in which case, I guess I should tell them. *Ahem*... Ahoy Hoy there, Sixy?! Could you please pace yourself when it com...
I just got off the phone with SingrDave. He had volunteered to give me a listen to his British accent. I fully expected him to toss out a few Monty Python lines, sit back and say "well, whaddya think?" I was wrong. This man can produce a valid North London accent at the drop of a hat, and he can continue it through an entire conversation. At one point I could have sworn I was talking to my brother. He doesn't just use a British accent for American terminology ei...
Last week, when LoneSum got his laptop, Texas Wahine said that she wondered how it would be to surf the internet whilst laying on the couch. LoneSum said that he'd let her know this week how it was. He's been working late every night this week, and as I got a new laptop today I figured I'd answer for him. It's great. Right now I'm sitting in our bed, writing this. I'm wearing my blue satin leopard print pajamas, having a cup of chamomile tea, watching the BBC in Americ...
Is it just me or are other folks having issues with JU this evening? I keep getting a 'timeout expired' message when I try to read anything that's posted in the forums. I couldn't even access any of LW's articles earlier; kept getting a generic error page. It's not my laptop acting goofy; the same thing happens with my desktop too. It's all very frustrating....so, is it just me or are other people seeing it too?