Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Blogging » Page 8
February 28, 2005 by dharmagrl
I was supposed to have left here by now. I was supposed to be long gone, with not even a second glance.... ....and as you all can tell, I'm still here. I feel like a fraud.  I feel like I wound you all up for nothing, that I made empty and idle threats. I didn't.  I had every intention of splitting.  I emailed all the right people and asked them to do all the things I had requested....and they asked me if them taking care of a little business would change my mind. I...
February 26, 2005 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
February 22, 2005 by dharmagrl
Despite my ability to mentally compartmentalize, I used to find myself taking things that happen here with me when I got up and walked away from the computer. Good things, and bad things.  Things that made me laugh and smile, and things that made my heart pound and my stomch knot itself up in ire and angst.  I used to wake in the middle of the night sometimes with my pulse racing, the event that had caused me such sorrow in the forefront of my mind. I've had to stop doing that.&n...
February 20, 2005 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
January 28, 2005 by dharmagrl
This was going to be an article about how JU has seemingly become a haven for hormonally charged teens, name slinging conservatives and small business owners who use it as free advertising and how those three things have made it not-so-much-fun for me to write here anymore. But, I decided that pointing fingers is not the way to go, and that I am in no position to judge anyone, so I deleted all the bitchiness I had written and decided to just state very simply and plainly that for me, blogging...
January 24, 2005 by dharmagrl
I've been blogging for almost a year now, and during that time I've seen some questionable stories told in order to demonstrate the writers point.  Stories that are passed off as being factual, but have such big holes and discrepancies in them that it becomes obvious to most readers that it can only be fiction.  Wild accusations are made against all kinds of people and agencies...accusations that, with a little research, are proven to be untrue, yet the writer still claims that the...
January 21, 2005 by dharmagrl
This has been coming for a few days now....and I simply can't keep it in any longer. SPELLING CORRECTLY IS IMPORTANT. I'm not talking about the odd slip here and there, we all do that.  I'm talking about a lack of basic spelling skills we all learned when we first started writing.  I'm talking about teenagers, highschoolers not being able to string a sentence together without making a mistake.  I'm also talking about finding it funny and insignificant that you can't spel...
January 1, 2005 by dharmagrl
As an act of goodwill, I have decided to rescind my decision to allow only registered users to respond on my blog.  It's open for all....anyone who wishes to comment may do so. I have made my peace with those I formerly described as trolls, and they are welcome here.  I stand by my 'zero tolerance' policy....any troll-esque remarks will still be deleted, but I honestly don't expect too many now.  May 2005 usher in a new era of understanding and mutual respect.  Let...
December 30, 2004 by dharmagrl
*this is slightly jumbled - i wrote as it came to me.  Hopefully it makes sense...if not ask and I'll try to clarify* Does my telling you things about myself mean that you know me? Does my telling you negative things about myself, things that I'm ashamed of....does that mean that you know me? Could it be that I'm playing my cards close to my chest?  That you really don't know me at just know what I choose to show you?  That I'm playing the hand that I've been d...
August 15, 2007 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 13, 2007 by dharmagrl
*In no particular order....* You cannot make someone love you. Sex does NOT equal love. People who talk a lot usually know very little. People who speak very little usually know a lot. There is no religion greater than the truth. Other people will judge you by those you associate with. Karma is a whore who requires payment up front (many thanks to LW for her eloquence ). Plaid pants and safety pins do not a punk make. Communism is a good idea in theory, but it does...
April 17, 2007 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
February 26, 2007 by dharmagrl
I haven't been very active here at JU for weeks.  Months, maybe.  The reasons for that are varied and many.  First of all, this having to log in every. single. time. I visit JU is tiresome.  Irksome, even.  I don't like it, and I'm tired of doing it....hence my distinct lack of participation around here.  Next, I have a family and a job to take care of.  I love both of them, by the way.  I've become very attached to my patients - and that was a dec...
February 15, 2007 by dharmagrl
Today is my third anniversary here at JU (thanks to 'miah for reminding me; I have a 103 degree fever so I'm not really coherent right now.  I'm not going to work today; I'm not risking infecting my patients with what I think is the 'flu.  That could be a disaster). Three years ago today, I was searching the 'net, looking for a place to start up a knitting blog.  I Googled 'free blog sites' and the first place that showed up was JU.  I liked the layout, I liked the communi...
February 5, 2007 by dharmagrl
I don't know if any of you noticed, but cutepablo is at it again.  This time she (I believe it's a she) has posted 10 articles in a row.  Gilford Tuttle got warned about such behaviour, is it possible that cutepablo can be warned too?  This isn't the first time they've done this, and it gets pretty old pretty quick. Admins, can you please help?!