Despite my ability to mentally compartmentalize, I used to find myself taking things that happen here with me when I got up and walked away from the computer.
Good things, and bad things. Things that made me laugh and smile, and things that made my heart pound and my stomch knot itself up in ire and angst. I used to wake in the middle of the night sometimes with my pulse racing, the event that had caused me such sorrow in the forefront of my mind.
I've had to stop doing that. For my own sanity and health. It was either a question of stopping blogging altofether (which I wasn't sure I could do) or of leaving what happens here, here (which I wasn't sure I could do either but thought stood a better chance of success at than stopping blogging altogether).
So, as of yesterday, I'm going to try and leave things here. I'm going to try and leave the baggage and garbage at the virtual door when I log off and walk away. I dunno how successful I'm going to be, but I have to try.
I have to.