Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Pets & Nature » Page 3
June 9, 2004 by dharmagrl
Our cat Pixie is due to have kittens on Monday, but I think she's laboring already.  She hasn't eaten today, she's slept more than usual, when she is awake she's wandering around meowing and won't leave our sides. I laid down on my bed for a nap this afternoon and she came and laid right next to me...highly unusual.  The kittens have been really active as well; she laid on the living room floor this afternoon and we could see them writhing around in her belly.  I've helpe...
July 13, 2004 by dharmagrl
I think that I finally found a web host site that will work with me and my photos of the kittens.... This is Chester scrapping with Brad   This is Jill, who has long fur and looks like she's tangled with a hair dryer and lost most of the time: This is my daughter Shea and Bradley, her favorite kitty: And finally, this is Spot, the smallest, who appears to be finding something terribly interesting to look at on the bottom of our rocking chair: Hopefully ...
July 13, 2004 by dharmagrl
I got up this morning and found Jacques my crab naked and deceased at the bottome of the tank. Since he had moulted, he had kept getting naked and running aound out of his shell.  I had given him a variety of different shells to try on, and he kept going back to his old one.  So, I kept him in isolation. This morning, there he was.  I don't know what happened.  I'm sad...Jacques was my first crab. Oh, and I'm sure there will ne resurrection like what happened with Bo...
July 12, 2004 by dharmagrl
My son's friend and her mom came to the door just now.  They live all the way up the street.  Thay asked if we had lost a crab. They had found, in their yard, a huge hermit crab.  Where he came from, no-one knows.  How he survived, no-one knows. But we took him in.  We haven't got a name for him yet that we can agree on.  Anyone got any ideas?
July 3, 2004 by dharmagrl
Bob's not dead!!! I am such a dumb ass!  He had just moulted and had gone way inside his shell, so far in that I couldn't see him at all. I had put what I thought was his empty shell on the kitchen counter, and when I saw it on the floor earlier thought that one of the kids had knocked it down...until I picked it up and saw Bob's pale pink legs sticking out! Yay!  Bob's alive! 
July 3, 2004 by dharmagrl
Jacques moulted overnight. I got up this morning and found him, pink and naked, in the tank.  I've had to quarantine him in the travel tank so the Tud and Martin won't bother him...and I think that may have been what happened to Bob.  Crabs are soft, naked and incredibly vulnerable when they've just shed their old exoskeleton, and I'm prepared to bet that Bob got attacked whilst he was in that condition.  It's my fault, really...I should have been a bit more aware and moved him...
July 3, 2004 by dharmagrl
Bob the crab has died. He had buried himself a couple of days ago, and I thought that he was going to moult..I kept checking on him to see if he was still with us, and he was.  In fact, they got a bath on Tuesday and they were all fine then. This evening I noticed Martin picking at Bob's shell, and saw that all that was left of poor Bob was his big pincher.  The others had eaten the rest of him. Davey is going to be terribly upset.  He's asleep, and I don't want to wake h...
June 16, 2004 by dharmagrl
I got another crab for my birthday, and I named him Tudley.  It's a funny name, but there's a standing joke behind it...when my little boy (Jake) was small he had difficulty saying  'r'.  It would come out sounding like 'ahhhhh'.  One day he had been out in the yard and had stepped in some dog poo...and he said "I trod in a tud". So, ever since then, we've made a point of saying 'tud' not 'turd' in Jake's presence. When I picked up this crab out of the tank at the store to...
June 10, 2004 by dharmagrl
Well, I was right about my cat being in labor. At 3 am I awoke to the sound of 4 tiny kittens mewing.....I watched for a while to make sure everything was ok with mom and the babies, then went back to bed.  I got up 15 mins later to find another one crawling around, and then was priveleged enough to see number 6 be born. So far we have one totally black one and the rest area dark gray color...2 have white chins.  It makes me question paternity; the tom that I thought was the...
March 10, 2005 by dharmagrl
We live about 50ft away from a small creek at the end of our backyard.  It's provided us with a variety of wildlife, from herons to squirrels to snakes.... ....but this evening D came running in from his evening smoke telling me to look outside and get his Maglite. This is what I saw when I looked out of the backdoor: A red fox! (obviously it wasn't that exact fox, but one a lot like it.) I haven't seen one of those in years, and I do mean years....not since we left Englan...
January 5, 2005 by dharmagrl
I finally found something my dachshund won't eat! Salt and vinegar flavor Pringles!  He pestered me for some earlier (and by that I mean he sat up and begged until i gave in ), so I gave him a couple.   He took them in his little mouth and trotted off to the corner where his food bowl is (he prefers to take all his treats over there for some reason).  He dropped them, sniffed them, sneezed 4 times in a row.....took a quick lick and then walked away.  I'm sitting here ...
November 28, 2004 by dharmagrl
Henry, my weiner dog, has some things to say about the article I published about him this afternoon... jcjcxnujhn ikn uj78u jfn  ujujhnm  vy676 huyyopl;cxnhhddc jmnc vw6yat34r,krfzgkjtghjnb; dfakljdfaJHUDFiokjldfkhdsfak Ahem...I will give this my best shot at translation... im not a yobbo like she said i just like the new green thing with the shiny stuff that she put out for me to play with and she put a nice new blanket under it for me but she yells at me when i go...
November 28, 2004 by dharmagrl
I have a hooligan of a dog. An absolute yobbo, a rebel against anything and everything human.......a psychotic lunatic of a weiner dog. He has these phases where he just goes....crazy.  Runs a circle from our living room to hallway to kitchen, stumpy little legs pumping, ears swept back, tongue loose and flapping.....running at maximum doggy velocity for no apparent reason. He refuses to heed some things we tell him.  I know he's not stupid, he's learned to sit ...
November 4, 2004 by dharmagrl
As I opened my son's bedroom window this morning (airing the room, pre-teen boys stink, in case you didn't know) I head birds twittering.  Nothing unusual in that, we have lots of trees around, and there are always birds somewhere. But this was loud, and it was getting louder.  I looked up at the sky, and saw a swirling, chirping mass of sparrow descending into my yard.  There must have been thousands of them, flapping and tweeting and pecking and pooping.....the air was litera...
October 18, 2004 by dharmagrl
My 8 year old found a baby snake in the yard today.  It crawled over his foot, causing him to run inside screaming and shaking with fear. I went out to see what it was, and spotted it under the outside toy box.  Small, about 8" long, with a grey/tan pattern and a flat diamond shaped head.  It struck at me, so I went and got a stainless steel bowl and my garden hoe (I looked for gloves and couldn't find any) and trapped it.  We're lucky; we have an entomology ...