Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Pets & Nature » Page 2
October 20, 2006 by dharmagrl
October 16, 2006 by dharmagrl
*I'm going to give you a little background information before I get to the 'EEK' part of the story* Saturday morning I get up and find little smears of dried blood all over the hallway tiled floor.  I wondered if one of the dawgs had cut their paws, but couldn't find any evidence of that when I examined them.  The cat wasn't anywhere to be found, so I summised that she must have injured herself somehow and that's where the blood came from.  We had a big hole in the screen of ou...
October 10, 2006 by dharmagrl
A lot has happened since I last wrote.  First of all, my momma and The Big Guy got another dawg.  They call her a boxer, but I've never seen her get into boxes like that cat does, so I really don't know why she's called that.  I still hate that cat.  But whatever.  This new dawg is called, that's not right.  Gracie.  That's it.  Gracie.  She looks like her mother dropped her on her face because her nose is all smushed up and it causes her...
October 3, 2006 by dharmagrl
I have a pretty strong stomach, stronger than most, I'd say.  I've changed some nasty baby and toddler diapers, picked up and cleaned up animal waste, seen and dealt with all kinds of vomit, both from kids and grown-ups,  and regularly go into nursing homes and hospitals to sit with and care for people who have lost control of their bodily functions.  In other words, it takes a lot to make me gag. However, there are still some smells that cause me to gag.&nb...
August 25, 2006 by dharmagrl
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July 3, 2006 by dharmagrl
Being a puppy is hard work....   Yep, it's pretty tiring stuff.
June 2, 2006 by dharmagrl
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
May 16, 2006 by dharmagrl
I've learned a lot about Boxer dogs in the past few weeks.  They have some behaviours that are unique to their breed - and that are pretty funny too. For instance, there's the 'Boxer Bounce' as I like to call it.  The way Gracie's almost like she's on springs and is bouncing all over the place.  She does this when she's playing with us and when she's happy to see someone. She's got this face that I simply cannot resist.  She'll look at me with ...
May 9, 2006 by dharmagrl
We've had Gracie living with us for 10 days now.  It seems like a lot longer; it feels like she's been here forever. She's done remarkably well in the week and a half.  She's learned that outside is the appropriate place to go potty, and if she can't make it outside then she should use the housebreaking mats we have.  Her aim could be a little better and I wish that she'd stay still when she poops, but...she's got the idea, and I'm cool with that. She's learned to sit on com...
May 3, 2006 by dharmagrl
Having a  puppy is much like having a toddler in the house. She gets into stuff.  Even though she's confined to the same room as I am and isn't ever left alone to roam freely, she still manages to get into things.  Like when  was getting dressed this morning.  I had crated her when i was in the shower.  There's no way I can supervise her when I'm all wet and soapy, so for her own good she went in her crate.  When I got out, she was howling that distinct...
April 29, 2006 by dharmagrl
  She's a 9 week old purebred boxer pup.  We're making the decision about her name this evening, but right now Grace/Gracie (because she's a wee bit clumsy yet), Maggie (the name of the girl in 'Million Dollar Baby' - the girl boxer, geddit?), or Ginger (because she's a sort of ginger color) are the front runners.  Of course, we could come up with something completely different...but we DO know that as of tomorrow morning she will have a name. We have a winner!&n...
January 16, 2006 by dharmagrl
The mystery of what the dog rolled in has been solved. He asked to be let out again about half an hour ago and came in stinking again.  That prompted Dave and I to go out and see if we could find what he'd been wallowing in.  We came in empty handed. Jake was the one who found it.  He came in and announced his findings: "it's a mole.  A dead one.  It's all slimy n' stuff" I went back out to see, and sure enough, there it was.  In a pile of dead leaves be...
January 16, 2006 by dharmagrl
I walked into the living room this morning and caught Jake and Dave in mid-conversation: "I dunno, but we'll tell Mom and let her figure it ou.....oh, hey babe!" "Let me figure WHAT out?" Jake points towards Henry, who's sitting next to my usual spot on the couch and looking very sheepish.  "Sit down, Mom" he said "I dunno that I want to until someone tells me what's going on..." "Stand next to Henry and sniff" So I edged closer to Henry, who's looking more and mo...
December 17, 2005 by dharmagrl
Henry got ahold of Polly's catnip-filled spider. I don't know for sure if catnip has the same effect on dogs as it does on cats, but Henry's actions tell me that it does.  First he rolled around on the loveseat with it. Then he took it to the floor and 'killed' it. When Shea took it away from him.... ...sat up and begged for it. He's got it now, as I write this.  He's laying on his back on the floor with it held between his front paws, chewing it....
December 16, 2005 by dharmagrl
Our cat Polly likes to get into boxes and bags.  She's been known to cram her bulk into empty soda 12-pack boxes, shoe boxes, paper bags, plastic bags...she's not fussy.  If it's a bag or a box, she'll get in it. We went to the grocery store this morning, and after we had unloaded everything we left a paper bag out for Polly to play in.  She spent most of the morning in there, rustling around and pouncing on unseen things. This afternoon, when the boys came home from sc...