Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Marital Issues
February 29, 2004 by dharmagrl
Dave and I had a monster fight last night, that somehow carried over to this morning. I hate fighting at the best of times, but when we're thousands of miles apart it really sucks. We have a habit of hanging up on each other when we're getting angry, which seems like a good idea at the time but only serves to infuriate the person on the other end and inevitably leads to disintegration of patience and childish, tit-for-tat behaviour. He hadn't really done anything wrong, but what he did ...
February 28, 2004 by dharmagrl
I've had this discussion with Dave and my friend Rob over the past couple of days..which prompted me to write about it. The first year is NOT the hardest. They're all hard, to varying degrees, because, I think, the relationship is constantly changing and evolving so you have to change and evolve too...or is that that because you're changing and evolving, your relationship has too as well? Either way, each year doesn't neccessarily get easier, just different. The wedding ceremony ...
February 29, 2004 by dharmagrl
Dear Dave, I know you read what I write, so I thought I'd take the opportunity of giving you a public apology seeing as I can't come up there and do it in person, in front of everybody. This is the best I can do; I hope you find it sufficient. I'm sorry for what I said. I'm sorry that I went so far off at the deep end on you. I'm sorry that I yelled at you and said stuff that wasn't nice and that I really didn't mean. You didn't do anything wrong, I did. You are perfectly entitl...
April 8, 2004 by dharmagrl
I have to blog about this, I just have to. I was on the phone with Dave earlier, and I had told him that the shirt he had left behind didn't smell like him anymore (I sleep with it and I find it incredibly comforting). I said that I had even gone and sniffed his ball cap but I couldn't smell there either...I didn't say anything about being sad about it, but I think he could tell by the sound of my voice. "Don't worry babe" he said "I'll make it right". "What d'ya mean?" I said. "I'...
April 16, 2004 by dharmagrl
These are in no particular order.... Hearing his voice, in person, not at the end of a phone line. Being able to reach out and touch him when I'm half asleep. We don't 'spoon' all night anymore, but as long as we're touching each other in some way both of us have agreed that we get a much better night's sleep. It's the comfort factor. I also miss feeling his breath on the back of my head when we do 'spoon', and the hair on his legs tickling me. His smell. Not stinky smell, but jus...
July 19, 2004 by dharmagrl
I don't know why, but I've been having some nagging doubts about my feelings for my husband and our relationship recently.  I do know why - it's because he's so close to coming home.  I'm having to face the reality of the circumstance now.  It's not a far-away dream anymore.  I look at pictures of him, and whilst I feel like I love him, know him....I find myself feeling so distant and detached.  Like the Dave I've come to know is just a bunch of words in an email, a ...