Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Misc » Page 26
November 6, 2006 by dharmagrl
I have a site bookmarked on my laptop.  It's a record of each convict executed by various states since 1976.  It has their name, photos of them, details of their crime and their last meal and final statements.  Sometimes it also has photos of their victims. Link I stop by there every so often to see who's been send to their grave and what they did to get there. Most of the crimes make me sad, but the ones who REALLY bother me are the crimes against children.  There a...
November 4, 2006 by dharmagrl
There's a Burger King about 1/4 mile up the street from my house.  I don't eat there much, mainly because I don't care for BK food much, but also because it has a history and a reputation for gawd-awful customer service.  The time before last that we went there, we waited 30 minutes for our food before asking for a refund and going elsewhere. This evening we're watching our neighbor's kids, so we decided to treat them to BK.  I'd seen commercials for the Italian chicken sandwic...
November 3, 2006 by dharmagrl
I'm restless today.  I got up at 0600 even though the kids don't have school (parent teacher conferences - Jakes was yesterday and he's a straight B student, which is awesome for Jake).  Dave went to the gym at 0500 (like always) and I thought I heard the screen door slam announcing his arrival home from running the perimiter of the flightline (7 miles), so I hauled my ass outta bed - only to find that it wasn't Dave but the cat who had got shut out all night and was throwing herself a...
November 1, 2006 by dharmagrl
I LOVE getting a bargain.  It makes me feel so good to know that I got something for a lot less than retail price. I like to tell people how much I paid for things; I relish getting a good deal. But you know what I love more than getting a bargain for myself?  Getting a bargain for someone else. This morning I went to the thrift store on base looking for outfits for Angela Marie's baby.  I was hoping to get a couple of what I call baby-gro's...I think they're called sle...
October 31, 2006 by dharmagrl
The flowers are ones I picked off my rose bushes.  They're the last roses of the season; it's turning colder and the leaves are coming off the trees.  Those leaves made it harder for me to find his marker this morning, it was covered with leaves that had blown off the sweet gum tree that's close to his grave.  I cleared them away as best I could, as you can see. I've been wondering who James Mayberry is.  Why aren't his parents at rest in the same cemetery?  Wha...
October 30, 2006 by dharmagrl
Three years ago today, this happened to me: *Yeah, I know it's small, but I haven't managed to come up with a good quality enlargement yet. When I do, I'll post it* I'm lucky to be here.  I could have died...I SHOULD have died.  According to many physicians and police officers and paramedics, I shouldn't have survived that wreck. But, I did.  There have been days when I wished that I didn't; there were days when the pain was unrelenting and everything in my life se...
October 30, 2006 by dharmagrl
I'm embarking on a exciting expedition this morning. I've been anticipating this all weekend.  I couldn't go on Saturday or Sunday because the kids were home and my husband wouldn't have been pleased about my taking him along with me. I even woke up in the night thinking about how today was the day.  I've found a yarn store in a little town about 8 miles away from here.  This is the kind of yarn store that doesn't sell Red Heart Super Saver scratchy acrylic - the kind ...
October 28, 2006 by dharmagrl
Okay, bad drivers of America, you are attending this lesson this morning because you have, in the past few days, demonstrated your utter stupidity when behind the wheel of a car and total lack of knowledge about the rules of the road.  I am here to remind you what to do when you are faced with some pretty common driving scenarios. I think that we'll start with one of the most common situations: A Four Way Stop Sign. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a question of  "I've stoppe...
October 26, 2006 by dharmagrl
I'm having a lazy day today. I COULD be mopping the floor, but I don't feel like it.  I swept it and did the bare minimum amount of housework that I could - vacuumed, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, swept the kitchen and hallways, made the beds and picked the laundry up off the floor of the kids bathroom - and I've decided that I want to devote today to knitting.  I'm finishing one of the baby sweaters and am trying to chart an anarchy symbol and heartagram so I can make beaded w...
October 25, 2006 by dharmagrl
My boss at the hospice called today.   I expected to be asked to go sit vigilance with someone, but instead of giving me a patient's details she said she had a proposal for me. She asked me how I'd feel about an ambassadorship.  I'd be an ambassador for the hospice with one of the local nursing homes.  I'd go and meet with the directors and managers a couple of times and month and be the liason between that nursing home and the hospice.  I'd be dropping in and schmooz...
October 24, 2006 by dharmagrl
When our kids were small, we started having what we call 'international night'.  Basically, we'd make food that was traditional to another country for supper, try to learn a few words in the language of that country and we also talked about that country; what it's traditions were, where it was located at geographically, it's culture and what role it played in the global scheme of things.  For instance, when international night was French, we ate coq au vin and had proifteroles for dess...
October 21, 2006 by dharmagrl
I have just come across the coolest knitting pattern.  THE coolest pattern.  Of all the patterns I have come across, this is the coolest. It's a doll knitting pattern (patternS, actually).  Not an ORDINARY doll, not just some plain old regular baby doll.  A Joey Ramone doll.  JOEY FREAKIN' RAMONE!  How cool is that?!! But the fun doesn't end there; I also found a Henry Rollins doll pattern, complete with tattoos.  Yes, you read that right.  HENRY...
October 19, 2006 by dharmagrl
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October 12, 2006 by dharmagrl
I'm not going to say where I found this ad at; I just want you to read it. It's titled 'for a man who has got too damb skinny', and it's as I found it, spelling mistakes and all. I am slightly embarised to say this but I've allways been pretty skinny. Well here lately I have been commuting back and forth from college on a bike. Well I did have a mens small size waist and now I find I have the waist size of 10-12 year old boy, according to underwear sizes. Well its really embarising to...
October 6, 2006 by dharmagrl
Antique photographs.  Degaeurrotype, cabinet and imperial cards, tin types....anything dated pre-WWII, but more specifically, memento mori. In the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, most people didn't have access to a photographer.  The photographs that we take for granted these days were almost unheard of, and some people went their entire lives without ever having their photo taken. So, their photos were taken in death instead.  Sometimes people were pose...