I have a hormonal pree-teen. She's suddenly, literally overnight, turned into a Dr Jekyll, Ms Hyde kind of child. Has sprouted breasts and has to wear a bra, has oily hair and pimples....is prone to swift and unmerciless attitude and mood changes where she throws herself onto the floor, screeching and wailing, throwing her hair around like the end of the world is upon us. Sulks for no apparent reason, and is just plain miserable to be around sometimes. Thinks that she can ...
I got to do something very cool this afternoon. The EMT's at the circus were part of the team who stopped and helped me after the jeep vs semi wreck I had last year. They had been on their way back from a classs when they happened upon the scene, and I've always considered myself to be remarkably fortunate to have received their expert attention less than 3 mins after the impact. I got to thank them. I got to face them, recovered, walking, living...an...
I took my children to the circus this afternoon. It was their first circus (my first circus too), and the first time they had seen an elephant up close and personal. They rode on the elephants, talked to the clowns, admired the camels and horses, oohed and ahhed over the tigers and their act...overall a good time was had by all. The highlight for me was the look on their faces when an act they found particularly wonderful came on...they literally glowed with happiness. On...
I'm taking a break from make-up this week. I was thinking yesterday as I was 'putting my face on'...that I was covering myself up with a mask. I use foundation to supposedly even out my skintone and cover up all the little flaws...but those flaws are what make me 'me', dig? I use something that looks akin to a piece of ancient torture equipment to curl my puny little lashes, then I cover them with mascara to lengthen, thicken and color them. They end up looking not so terribly different t...
As I have mentioned before, I have a problem with stinky feet when I wear sandals. It really irks me, because I prefer to wear sandals or be barefoot...hence my feet are usually grimy or smelly. Last summer something happened that clued me in as to how bad they really were....the upstairs potty got clogged and overflowed, and by the time Dave and I got there to turn the water off it was all over the floor and running down the wall downstairs. There's an a/c vent that I thought that wat...
The battle with my neighbors finally got to me last night. I spent the evening in tears because of what happened yesterday afternoon. I was walking back from my friends house with me youngest son, and saw my neighbor (Stupid Girl) and her friends (The Black Elk Bitches) sitting across the street in someone's front yard. As I was walking up my driveway, Stupid Girl stands up, points and me, and yells "Look at her. She's such a stupid fucking bitch. She fucking called to...
My husband called at 0445 this morning to tell me he'd be home tonight. Yay!!! This 'annus horriblis' is almost over! I'm so glad he's on his way home. I'm in desperate need of some affection. I haven't been kissed in 7 months... that's terrible! Now I'm wondering if I should dress up or not. Should I go for the casual look and wear jeans and a T shirt, or shall I smarten up a bit and wear pants and heels? Or, should I wear a dress? It'...
I have to drain the water out of my washer so the moving company will pack it up next week. I have no clue how to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks....
..and I'm glad that we're moving. My neighbors are away on vacation for a couple of days. Ordinarily I'd have been glad to see the back of them and enjoy the tranquility, but I'm not. The man of the house had weekend duty this past weekend, which called for him to be at work at 0500. He apparently was getting up at 0330 ...because he's left his alarm clock set for that time. Our bedrooms are on opposite sides of an adjoining wall, and I have been woken at 0330 the ...
Dave's scheduled to come home on Friday. That means that I only have 2 days of solitude left. OMG!!!! It's finally starting to sink in now. That he's coming home, that we're moving, that life is finally moving forward again. This past year has felt like....like wasted time, almost. It wasn't, because I learnt a lot about many things....but I can't help but feel like I didn't really do anything or accomplish much. The moving company called me today. They'r...
I got my hair cut today. I went to the salon on base...the last time I went there the woman cut it too short, and it took me 2 months to grow it out. She's Korean, and her English isn't the greatest, so I attributed the bad cut to the language barrier. This time I decided to take a picture in so she could see what I wanted. I asked her to not take it too short, said I really liked the length of it but wanted to lose some of the bulk. Mistake. She cut it...and cut i...
It has been suggested in the past couple of days that I am a pessimist. I don't think I am. I think I'm a realist, but the suggestion got me thinking about the differences between optomism, pessimism and realism. The dictionary defines optomism as : A disposition to expect the best possible outcome or to emphasize the most positive aspects of a situation . Nothing wrong with that, I hear you say? No, not at all. But when optomism is a person's sole view, and w...
There's roadwork on one of the interstate exit ramps/bridges about 5 miles away from here. I got stuck in traffic because of it today. Which leads me to this rant. Why in the hell do construction crews decide to close sections of road for 10 mins at a time right in the middle of rush hour? What are they thinking??? Isn't it common sense to do it at some other time, when there's less traffic to back up??? It was so bad this evening, vehicles were backed up onto half a mile...
I'm sending this in an email to Dave (my husband) tomorrow. Dear Dave, As I write this I have a very small black kitten sitting in my lap. She's been here for an hour now, and she sits like this quite regularly...if my lap is available, she's sitting in it. She seeks me out to come sit with me. Today she patted at my ankles until I picked her up. Spot-a-rooni was the last born and the smallest of Pixie's babies. When she came out she didn't breat...