Ok, I already posed this question on another thread, but I want to ask again.
Why, if God is a single entity, does it say at the end of Genesis 1 'let US make them in OUR image'?
Why the plural there?
Thanks in advance for any answers....
Well, that's one way of looking at it...
That's actually preety close to the way Gnostics look at it.....and that's one of my opinions about why 'we' and 'us' are used.
Yeah, no shit....
I know that feeling very well.
If he's god, he's capable of more too.
Me too! How long have you been practicing? I'm on my 5th year now!
Yes, I do. Buddhism is often described as 'the middle way'. You can believe basically what you want to. If you want to go with Mahayana Buddhism and it's Tara's and prayer flags, you can....or you can go with the Zen school of thought. Either way, you can still be Buddhist. We don't regard any one person as being more 'right' than the next...it's all about what we ourselves found to be true. My truths today are not going to be the same as my truths tomorrow because there are things that I have yet to experience (if that makes sense). I happen to think that there are parts of Buddhism (particularly in The Tibetan Book Of The Dead) that are as much hogwash as the 6 day creation story - but that doesn't stop me from being Buddhist and adhering to the other major precepts, just as your non-belief in it makes you any less Christian (in your eyes anyway, I'm sure there are those who would say that it negates your entire experience).
We're talking about the middle way.
Yes, there are, and I've already explained them.
Because it's not just Christ's message of love, tolerance and compassion that they're spreading. They tell people what they should and should not read, what they should and should not tolerate...people feel dictated to. Not to mention the 'I'm going to heaven and you're not because you aint been born again' aspect.
I think that before we can debate that point we have to decide exactly what the christian message is. Don't you? I already said what MY impression of the christian message is. What's yours?