Ok, I already posed this question on another thread, but I want to ask again.
Why, if God is a single entity, does it say at the end of Genesis 1 'let US make them in OUR image'?
Why the plural there?
Thanks in advance for any answers....
That's another question I have too. When you think about it, really, really think about, a big chunk of the world's population are living their lives according to a single book. One book. That may or may not be 'divine' or even untampered with.
It's amazing, if you think about it.
You're right, schizophrenia does not mean that a person has multiple personalities. Multiple Personality Disorder is what I should have said.
I've had my eyes on The Other Bible, and I enjoyed it. It gives a different perspective on a lot of things, and it makes me think that the christian bible isn't the end of the story...that there's a lot more.
I dunno. Gideon is probably the most knowledgeable, but I dunno about his 'scholar' status. I'll have to ask.
The thing that gets me is that christ was a rebel of his time. He came and told people to forget about the law of the day.....he was a real rabble-rouser.
The issue I have with that is that that gospel was written way after Genesis was. Therefore, John could be retrospectively saying 'this is how it is'...
I have much the same imagery. Very much the same....whodathunk that, huh?
Actually, i just ordered 'The Other Bible' from Amazon. I've seen it before, but I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into it again!
I don't know that I believe that. I think that it's a handbook as to how to live, that the overall message is good....but I'm not entirely sure that it's divine. Divinely inspired, perhaps....but I don't know about the 'breath of god' thing. I think that it's all a matter of faith.....
That's what I have come to understand on my quest for an answer this morning as well....however, I would hva expected, were that the case, to see that pluralism used more throughout the bible.
Eaxctly. Or, in the immortal words of Bill and Ted: 'Be most excellent to each other'!
I have often wondered if, if there really IS a god, that is...if he's not looking at what's going on and saying 'dudes, you have it sooooo wrong. That's not what I meant at all when i said that....you totally took that the wrong way'.
That's a man made creed. So's the Nicence Creed the Anglican Church uses. Those are the words of man, not of god. The problem I have with organized christianity is that it has a long history of keeping away from the public eye the things that it thinks we shouldn't see or hear. The Council Of Nicea, for example, rejected some books of the bible, and there are many other ancient texts that weren't included. You ought to read The Other Bible like I am, Beebles....I think it would really open your eyes.
That's the problem. Because we don't know for sure what is meant by each verse and passage, we have to rely on our own interpretation. Unfortunately, there's no 'Guide To The Bible - what I meant when I said that' by god or christ or anyone else. It would help if there were, and I'm sure there wouldn't have been near as many wars, cursades etc etc etc as there have been if something like that were available.