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Published on April 7, 2004 By dharmagrl In Religion
There's been a lot of talk recently about sin.

It seems to be the general consensus in certain circles that homosexuality is a ticket straight to hell....on a par with homicide, almost.

This got me thinking about the varying sins and their 'weightiness', so to speak. Is there such a thing as a 'scale - o - sin', where someone can measure what sin is worse than another? Isn't all sin bad, period? I mean, where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is worse than coveting your neighbor's wife? Why do some people feel it's ok to make lewd comments about women, look at pornography, lie, and cheat - but then turn around and condemn gay people? Isn't one sin as bad as another? Is there a list that I don't know about? Something like 'Top 10 Sins (you really want to avoid these)' as opposed to 'SinsThat Are Sorta OK (everyone does these, don't sweat it)'? And whilst I'm on the subject, isn't being judgemental sinful? I seem to recall Jesus as saying 'Let those of you without sin cast the first stone' (words to that effect, anyway, my recollection of scripture is a little rusty).

I personally think that sin is sin...and so on, ad infinitum. According to the bible,I'm a sinner (yes, I read it even though I'm not Christian), and I'm no better than anyone else. Maybe more people, especially those who consider themselves to be righteous Christians, should do the same.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 10, 2004
"Sometimes I wonder what would happen if there wasn't a handbook/manual to keep refering back to...."

Good question, dharma...but one we'll never be able to answer.

on Apr 10, 2004
Dude, you're a buddha, but you just don't know it.

That's awesome.


I have heard Buddhisn is very similar to Muggianity!!!

I am not so down with the robes and not eating for several days aspect of Bhuddism though... Within Muggianity you are allowed to eat what you want, when you want... except no baked beans when you know you need to take an elevator trip

on Apr 10, 2004
"Sometimes I wonder what would happen if there wasn't a handbook/manual to keep refering back to...."

We'd all be living blissful lives and the world wouldn't know as much hatred as it does now.
on Apr 10, 2004
I am not so down with the robes and not eating for several days aspect of Bhuddism though... Within Muggianity you are allowed to eat what you want, when you want..

I dunno where you're getting your info about Buddhists from, but I'm Buddhist and I don't do that. I also eat meat. Buddhism, as with all faiths, has it's extremists....

on Apr 10, 2004
I wonder what an extremist Muggian would be like?

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