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Published on April 7, 2004 By dharmagrl In Religion
There's been a lot of talk recently about sin.

It seems to be the general consensus in certain circles that homosexuality is a ticket straight to hell....on a par with homicide, almost.

This got me thinking about the varying sins and their 'weightiness', so to speak. Is there such a thing as a 'scale - o - sin', where someone can measure what sin is worse than another? Isn't all sin bad, period? I mean, where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is worse than coveting your neighbor's wife? Why do some people feel it's ok to make lewd comments about women, look at pornography, lie, and cheat - but then turn around and condemn gay people? Isn't one sin as bad as another? Is there a list that I don't know about? Something like 'Top 10 Sins (you really want to avoid these)' as opposed to 'SinsThat Are Sorta OK (everyone does these, don't sweat it)'? And whilst I'm on the subject, isn't being judgemental sinful? I seem to recall Jesus as saying 'Let those of you without sin cast the first stone' (words to that effect, anyway, my recollection of scripture is a little rusty).

I personally think that sin is sin...and so on, ad infinitum. According to the bible,I'm a sinner (yes, I read it even though I'm not Christian), and I'm no better than anyone else. Maybe more people, especially those who consider themselves to be righteous Christians, should do the same.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 07, 2004
haha, Trin!

I'm praying that God will put circumstances in his life that will make him turn to God, yes. Really, I think God's agenda is more important than his. Perhaps he's "happy" but when he finds God, he'll find joy unspeakable. The point is not for him to measure his choices up again my belief system that's full of rules. The point is for him to turn to God and be set free from the bondage of sin. See, it seems backwards to you probably, but once you experience it, you can't go back.

on Apr 07, 2004
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back, no turning back

I'm just picking on you Sarah, but for real, I just got the punk version of that song, AND IT ROCKS!

on Apr 07, 2004
I actually did type Sir Peter!!!! haha, i changed it when i proof read my post!

Dharma, you know me very well...

Bigdreamer... Hell does't exist for me... There is no such place... Hell for me is work in a Friday afternoon, just counting down the minutes to beer o'clock... And if i rot in that state of mind in the afterlife, so be it... at least i will be happy with the way i lived my life.

Its too bad you cant do what you want, when you want... It's too bad you need to seek validation from a book... I am not getting further drawn into this religious bollix...

on Apr 08, 2004
I'm not going to bother responding to each comment individually, because I really only want to say one thing anyway.

Muggaz, I'm going to be honest with you. It irritates me that although you know me to be a person who deals openly with people who don't share my exact beliefs, you felt it necessary to take a pot shot and say: "If you think my character is questionable because of this, you are not half the person i thought you were." You know I respect you, so get over your insecurity;)

The impression that I got from your post is that you go around having sex with no respect for the act whatsoever. "i have had heaps of pre-marital sex... " Your lacksadaisical, "your opinions mean nothing to me" attitude indicate that every night is a one-night stand of some sort. That may not be true, but surely you can see where I'm coming from in the sense of literary analysis.

I pray for you because I believe there is a Hell, and I don't want you to go there. I don't fault you for what you do, but I have to do whatever I can to help. I just have to. And I think you'd understand if you'd stop being so bitter about Christianity..

on Apr 08, 2004
Dan, that was a Pro Level response.

You know I respect you, so get over your insecurity;)

That was the best thing you could have said - compliment, followed by slander.


*clap* X2

Do what you have to do mate... Thanks for understanding


on Apr 08, 2004
Ok, this might sound weird, but I'd rather burn in hell with Muggaz than be stuck in heaven with the likes of Marvin.
on Apr 08, 2004
Yeah, if you have to compare where certain people may end up on this theory of delegating souls due to lifestyle and experience, I'm with you guys... Heaven sounds like a very judgemental, restrictive, and self-righteous place, in some mouths. Hell, at least, sounds like a place where I am apt to meet up with some good people, in this light.
on Apr 08, 2004
It doesnt sound weird, Mack, not at all. I feel that way too.
on Apr 08, 2004
Hey Trinitie, who's the punk version by? I think I should get it... lol )

on Apr 08, 2004
Muggaz- I just don't know... which parts are serious and which parts aren't? *confused* Meanwhile, I'll just say thank you and take it on good faith that you can't help but worship me at every opportunity:)

"Ok, this might sound weird, but I'd rather burn in hell with Muggaz than be stuck in heaven with the likes of Marvin."

Mack, I would agree too... except that there will be more fundamentalist Christians in Hell than Heaven. Fundamentalist Christians, in my opinion, are people who separate God from religion. Without God, there's no chance of heaven. Jesus even spoke of the hypocritical pharisees (the religious orthodox leaders of the day), "you must be better than these to enter the kingdom of heaven."

Marvin, if you're reading this, now you know why it's important not to be dogmatic. You're giving Christianity a bad name.


on Apr 08, 2004
Yes, Marvin you are. We've all been trying to tell you that for ages. Perhaps now it's coming from someone who's religious convictions respect you'll re-assess your attitude ... although I won't be holding my breath.
on Apr 08, 2004
Aww come on dharma, be civil:-/

on Apr 08, 2004
I AM being civil, Dan. If I weren't, I'd say that Marvin is a fucking hypocritical asshole. But, because we're being civil, I'll just say that Marvin has some views that I find contradictory in nature. I don't HATE him, I just don't understand him. i asked him before to please explain to me how he came to Christ - I'm genuinely interested - because I thought it might give me a better insight into why he thinks and says the things he does. He never did answer. You gave me some insight though...when you said the some people get more caught up in the dogma than they do in their love for God. that made a lot of sense...if I were a cartoon character a light bulb would have popped up above my head!

So, Dan, once again you taught me something...thanks, bud.
on Apr 08, 2004
I didn't mean to offend you, I just don't want you to sink to lower levels... I have a ton of respect for you.

Glad I could be of service, of course. Still thinkin of Waddle-doo,

on Apr 08, 2004
Dharma, that could be because dogma itself is contradictory in nature. Especially Leviticus. Kill for this, kill for that. Oh wait, hold on, "thou shalt not kill". Hmm.
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