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Published on April 7, 2004 By dharmagrl In Religion
There's been a lot of talk recently about sin.

It seems to be the general consensus in certain circles that homosexuality is a ticket straight to hell....on a par with homicide, almost.

This got me thinking about the varying sins and their 'weightiness', so to speak. Is there such a thing as a 'scale - o - sin', where someone can measure what sin is worse than another? Isn't all sin bad, period? I mean, where in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is worse than coveting your neighbor's wife? Why do some people feel it's ok to make lewd comments about women, look at pornography, lie, and cheat - but then turn around and condemn gay people? Isn't one sin as bad as another? Is there a list that I don't know about? Something like 'Top 10 Sins (you really want to avoid these)' as opposed to 'SinsThat Are Sorta OK (everyone does these, don't sweat it)'? And whilst I'm on the subject, isn't being judgemental sinful? I seem to recall Jesus as saying 'Let those of you without sin cast the first stone' (words to that effect, anyway, my recollection of scripture is a little rusty).

I personally think that sin is sin...and so on, ad infinitum. According to the bible,I'm a sinner (yes, I read it even though I'm not Christian), and I'm no better than anyone else. Maybe more people, especially those who consider themselves to be righteous Christians, should do the same.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 08, 2004
Sarah, it's by "Pocket Change" ...but I dont' know that you'll be able to find it easily. I got the cd in a thrift store for 50cents. Best thing I've yet to purchase.

Macky, I'll be in heaven too, rest easy.

Muggaz, grrrrrr. I'm with Dan. I can't tell when you're being serious. I CAN tell when he's being a butthead, but I think he handles this one well. We all just want you to be up there with us because you're so frigg'n awesome.

on Apr 09, 2004
Yeah, no shit Mack. It's easy to get caught up in it ans lose sight of the real reason behind the faith...

Dan, you didn't offend me, and thanks again. Waddle - Doo thanks you too....I think he may have to sleep on my pillow tonight..
on Apr 09, 2004
Sir Peter/Saint Peter don't seem to have a whole lot in common.

Trin~I am truly shocked by that remark! I hope you were being sarcastic in a friendly way? Because I have enormous respect for you, and you have always been extremely kind to me. Also, I think you are a very good blogger, etc. However, I do believe that the Great Sir Peter Maxwell has already warned you about your snide remarks! How dare you say he doesn't seem to have a whole lot in common with ANY of the saints! Sir Peter is a deeply religious man. He reads his Bible faithfully, and often prays to God that all of the angry and misguided peasants of the world will come to their senses, and stop maligning him 24/7. I am positively speechless. In addition, I am hoping now that poor Sir Peter's wife has been discovered murdered~more JU bloggers will think about joining my Friends Of Sir Peter Maxwell Society (please see my recent blog in the humor section), and desist from tormenting the poor man's soul during this terrible time in his life! I know that Dharma will agree with me on this. Because she has recently joined the Society (thank you Dharma~you are truly one of our strongest and most loyal members...) And we would love to have you as one of our members~Trin. We are a very forgiving lot, and try our best not to judge others harshly as a few of the more misguided bloggers here are doing now.

I mean, come on people? All this fuss over homosexuals is getting very tired and old in a hurry. They are God-given creatures in the same way that you and I are. NOBODY is without sin! We all are sinners. So to gang up on homosexuals like this is a most cowardly (and rather sinful) practice. Have you more homophobic ones heard of Matt Sheperd? The gay young man that was murdered by two homophobes and strung up like a scarecrow on a fencepost? I'm sure many of you still remember that tragic story. Anyway, one of the killers actually claimed to be a Christian! And tried to use the Bible as a weapon to further malign gay and lesbian folks. How cowardly that is. And it also misses the point, huh? Matt Sheperd's parents literally saved the life of their son's misguided killers. They were to receive the death penalty for their murderous actions. But Matt Sheperd was opposed to the death penalty. So his parents did not want them to die because Matt Sheperd would not have wanted them to die. And so they lived. That kind of dignity and compassion puts all these misguided "Christian" homophobes to shame. If gay folks are going to hell~then we all are going to keep them company in a hurry. Because we all have sinned in our lives. Thanks Dharma! This is truly a thought provoking blog! I am sorry about the little rant I just went on~can you forgive me, huh? But the combination of seeing Sir Peter's good name trampled on (again!), and then listening to these smug comments about homosexuals going to hell (lighten up, Dan!)~just pushed me over the brink in a hurry. So I am sorry if I have been a bit rash. I look forward to hooking up with you over at the Society! Another shocking update! Please check it out when you get a chance....

(President Of The Friends Of Sir Peter Maxwell Society, U.S.A.)

on Apr 09, 2004
Don't apologize, there's no need. Matt died close to where I live, so it was s ubject that was big, big news around here. even though this is cattle country and most people around here are God fearing folks there was still an outpouring of sympathy and outrage at what had been done in God's/Christ's name. A pastor I knew (Chris LePack) made the comment that "the God I know wouldn't have wanted this, wouldn't have condoned this".

All I have to add to your comment Mad, is this: 'Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.' ... (Blaise Pascal)
on Apr 09, 2004
I am Catholic and they believe their are different levels of sin. I know sin is sin and it is all bad but someone who tortures, molests and murders a child is not the same as me telling a lie. There is no way that that is as bad. I think their are levels. The Catholic church has mortal sins - you will go to hell if you commit these sins and don't confess/repent ex. murder etc. and venal sins which are little sins such as telling a lie, if you have enough venal sins you can still go to hell.

Of course, I am a bad Catholic. I do not agree with all the church or bible teachings. The bible was written by men to the times they were in. That is why women have subservient roles and slavery is never condemned, that was the time they were written in. I believe some of the bible is factually true and some are just stories. We can still learn from these stories but they are not historical facts. I am what I call a thinking Catholic - maybe a questioning Catholic.

Also I don't have any problem with homosexuality as long as they keep it private. I don't think these people chose to be this way. I never chose to like men. There was never a day I made a big decision that I will be heterosexual. I have always been attracted to men. That's how I was made. I believe being attracted to their own sex is how homosexuals are made.
on Apr 10, 2004
Homosexuality as a lifestyle is, I believe, a sin (pretty clearly biblical

I pray for you because I believe there is a Hell, and I don't want you to go there.

Dan~I placed your quotes above (out of context) to show you what it was about your opinions that made me think you might feel gay and lesbian folks are going to hell. But actually, after taking a longer peek at all the comments on here~I am wondering if perhaps I misinterpreted your words? If I did so, please accept my formal apology now. Perhaps you meant something different? If you could elaborate on this heated topic for me, I would be very grateful. I have a question or two for you now? Where do you think Matt Sheperd's soul is at the moment? Heaven? Hell? Somewhere in between? And when his Christian murderer passes away, where will that soul go? I don't mean to be flippant here. I am extremely sincere. So if you can answer me, I will feel lots better, and will try to judge you less harshly in the future. Because even though many of your opinions are not something I can agree with~I still have an enormous amount of respect for your high intelligence. Dude, when I found out you were only a teen~I was totally floored! You have a very great mind. There's no question of that. And I will always respect that part of you. Now let's end this on a positive note, huh? . Dharma! Look what your excellent article has done! So many different opinions, and even an apology or two! I think it is cool. I also think this is probably the most thought provoking article I have ever seen on JU. You are an amazing blogger. I mean, who else but you could get me to open up my big mouth like this, and teach me so many important and beautiful things about life and the world! There's only one Dharma! Let's all try and never take her for granted.

on Apr 10, 2004
Muggaz, grrrrrr. I'm with Dan. I can't tell when you're being serious. I CAN tell when he's being a butthead, but I think he handles this one well. We all just want you to be up there with us because you're so frigg'n awesome.

I agree 100%


*Whoah - thats deep*


Heaven and Hell are merely places of the mind. Please, lets arrange a time and a date to meet in the afterlife and then we can discuss who's house is the greatest, and who has the best neighbors. I am resigning, yet embracing the fact that i dont know what is going to happen to me after my pysical body can endure no more. I will live my life how i see fit, and thanks to my parents, and environment - I have developed a good sense of ethics and judgement on what is right or wrong. It's about respecting yourself and those around you.

There are a few simple rules to live by, and no matter what happens next, my life has been, and will continue to be one of enjoyment where i will seize every oppurtunity, tackle each challenge, and have no regrets.

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

This is a serious post. I am not joking

on Apr 10, 2004
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Dude, you're a buddha, but you just don't know it.

That's awesome.

on Apr 10, 2004
Dharma~I'm with you on this one. I am so glad that you respect and like Muggaz as much as I. The man tells it like it is!! And he speaks these profound truths in a very clear and concise voice that most people can easily understand and appreciate. Nothing pretentious here. Quite down to earth. My favorite kind of truth teller. In addition, I don't know if you are aware of this but I do believe that Muggaz is quite interested in joining our Society of friends! He popped in late last night, and had some very kind things to say (thanks dude). Also, he mentioned that he respects the great Sir Peter as much as we do! This is exciting news! I do believe we have another friend for our Society (please do join us Muggaz, huh?). So I have gone ahead and created a staff list for our Society. And I need to know what you think Dharma? I hope you are happy as the House Speaker? I am open to suggestions, k? So pop in when you got a moment, and let me know what you think of our Staff list, k? (Also, a rather shocking update~but I'll let you read that over on my Sir Peter blog). And I am hoping Muggaz will pop in again too, and take a peek at the list. And both of you let me know what you think! I hope you are happy with the challenging positions I have selected for you. Also, Hidden Paw and Captain Cornbread are given exciting duties, etc. So do take a peek! And hope to chat with both of you again soon!

(President Of Friends Of Sir Peter Maxwell Society, U.S.A.)
on Apr 10, 2004
"Especially Leviticus. Kill for this, kill for that. Oh wait, hold on, "thou shalt not kill". Hmm."

Mack, I don't really feel like going through the work of disproving this, so would you do me the favor of trusting me that it all makes logical sense if you take everything into context?

"Dan, you didn't offend me, and thanks again. Waddle - Doo thanks you too....I think he may have to sleep on my pillow tonight.."

That's right, Dharma. That's the friendship a good rubber ducky needs.

"quote]Trin~I am truly shocked by that remark! I hope you were being sarcastic in a friendly way?"

If your master can tolerate us peasants, you can too. Get off it, she meant no harm.

"All I have to add to your comment Mad, is this: 'Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.' ... (Blaise Pascal)"

Ah yes... the crusades... that's why I hate churches, because they tend to encourage that kind of behavior. Sorry, dislike, not hate.

"your opinions that made me think you might feel gay and lesbian folks are going to hell."

Hardly. I just meant it was a sin. Sins don't mean you to Hell- in fact, the bible says that "our righteousness is as filthy rags"- in other words, what we do has no bearing on whether we go to heaven or hell. After a person is saved, doing the right thing is just a way to please God, but if you don't do the right thing, you'll still go to heaven. And being a homosexual is no worse than smoking (your body is a temple, and treating it badly on a consistant basis is a sin) or having a habit of looking at girls lustfully (which many pastors admit to). In any case, sorry for my miscommunication.

on Apr 10, 2004
Dan, you are an inspiration. Thank you.
on Apr 10, 2004
I have a question or two for you now? Where do you think Matt Sheperd's soul is at the moment? Heaven? Hell? Somewhere in between? And when his Christian murderer passes away, where will that soul go? I don't mean to be flippant here. I am extremely sincere.

Ummmmmmm, Dan? Instead of answering my very polite questions, you become defensive and act your age big time. I have been very generous in my tolerance of your consistent rudeness towards me in these blogs. I fear my patience with you is wearing quite thin. Please desist from these childish attacks ASAP. And I would also appreciate it in the future if you are going to leave a comment on one of my blogs~speak in English and stop trying to act so superior? You really are too intelligent to be acting this way young man.


P.S. How very Christian of you. To return my sincere and genuine apology with a rather mean spirited (and quite senseless) outburst. I thank you very much. And God bless....
on Apr 10, 2004
"I personally think that sin is sin...and so on, ad infinitum. "

I agree with this completely. There's not one of us on this earth who is perfect, and has never committed SOME sin...and therefore, what gives any of us the right to claim that someone else's sin is somehow WORSE than ours? I don't understand that train of thought, and I doubt I ever will.
on Apr 10, 2004
"Mack, I would agree too... except that there will be more fundamentalist Christians in Hell than Heaven. Fundamentalist Christians, in my opinion, are people who separate God from religion."

Whew...thanks, Dan...I was having a really difficult time trying to find a nice way to say that....glad I kept reading before I posted. I think you said it all. MANY fundamentalists remind me of the Pharisees..more interested in living by the letter of the law than by the love and kindness behind it....but that's JMHO.

on Apr 10, 2004
I think that too many people get caught up in the letter of the law according to the Bible and forget the real message behind Christianity too. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if there wasn't a handbook/manual to keep refering back to....
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