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Hopefully this article will settle a lot of 'yes they can/no they can't' arguments that I've been hearing about. This was written by one of the captains at the Judge Advocate's Office (legal office) here at Scott AFB....let me know if you have any questions. 'Democrats and republicans want your vote and your help in getting other votes. Military members can be politically active, but they must do so within specific limits. Nonpartisan political activities are generally permissible...
I went to my son's 4th grade TaG class today to talk about immigration. Somehow the discussion got perverted and we ended up talking about the election and the candidates. Thye asked me who I would vote for (if I got a citizenship and could vote). When i said "Bush" the room erupted in cheers and hollers of "Yeah!!" and "whoo hoo!". I asked them why they were applauding. The responses were, I thought, a good insight into the thoughts of America's future who ...
So, Sen Foley is entering rehab for treatment for "alcoholism". How many people didn't see that coming? Not very fekkin' many. The Washington spin doctors need some new hype. It seems that every politician that screws up, will, a few days after being exposed, go to rehab for treatment of some addiction or other. The addiction is their excuse for doing whatever it was that they got caught doing, and to be honest, it's getting to be old and transparent. When I was tal...
Booker T. Washington once said: 'There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro lose his grievances, because they do not want to los...
I, as I'm sure a good proportion of the American public are, have become somewhat unaffected by all the images of war and conflict pouring out of Iraq these days. We're exposed to it on a daily basis; it's easy to become immune to photos of blood, battle and gore. Every newspaper and news channel shows so much of it, so many scenes of death and destruction that I tend to just not take much notice anymore. Until this morning. I logged into MSNBC and was confronted with an image that mad...