Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.

So, Tom Cruise has gone and knocked up katie Holmes.

Katie Holmes.  The girl who famously swore that she was a virgin....and that she'd stay a virgin until her wedding night. 

Last time I checked, you actually had to have sex in order to get pregnant....unless there's some Scientology ritual that I'm not aware of that lets a person get preggers without having intercourse.

So, she's probably not a virgin anymore.

Guess she thought being engaged was close enough, huh?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 08, 2005
It was also reported that Kate (not Katie) has fired her publicist of 9years and hired Tom's (his sister)
on Oct 08, 2005

It was also reported that Kate (not Katie) has fired her publicist of 9years and hired Tom's (his sister)

Oh my.  I wonder who's idea that was?

She's surrounding herself with members of his family and his church.  Or should I say, she's BEING surrounded by them; I'm not entirely sure that she's doing it under her own steam. 

This is getting downright creepy.  If scientology wants to lose it's 'cult' image, then it's going the wrong way about it...eveything that I've heard about this relationship so far smacks of brainwashing and other cult-esque behaviour. 

Someone ought to have an intervention and rescue that poor girl.

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