Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.

So, Tom Cruise has gone and knocked up katie Holmes.

Katie Holmes.  The girl who famously swore that she was a virgin....and that she'd stay a virgin until her wedding night. 

Last time I checked, you actually had to have sex in order to get pregnant....unless there's some Scientology ritual that I'm not aware of that lets a person get preggers without having intercourse.

So, she's probably not a virgin anymore.

Guess she thought being engaged was close enough, huh?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 06, 2005

Ahh, c'mon Dharma! Maybe she just took a tub bath after him!

No, I think that they thought that standing up to have sex would prevent pregnancy. 

Lets us give thanx that they did not indulge in anal sex, the birth of a scientoligist LAWYER is too much for me to bear.



Tom Cruise? Oversexed? NEVER! Like we need another ranting idiot in the world

Yeah, the thought of a scientologist baby really scares me.  Poor kid.....doesn't stand a chance.


in Biblical times (not that Scientology has anything to do with the Bible), that being engaged had the same legal status as did marriage itself... So...if we transfer that to modern times...then being engaged is as good as being married so hey baby...let's shag!

Like I said, she got a ring and probably figured that the only thing between her and 'real' marriage was a hey, why not?


I think everytime my husband goes on a six month deployment I get to become a born again virgin after going without for so long. ha ha

Me too!


I knew a girl in High School who decided to abstain because she wanted her cherry to grow back.

You know, there's actually a surgery where doctors re-create a woman's hymen so she can reclaim her virginity.  I've often thought about why a person would want to do something like was bad enough the first time for me, I wouldn't want to do it again....


But sometimes I wonder, if I was under that kind of psychological pressure, could I hold out?

She ste herself up for it, you know.  She proclaimed her virginity to the world.  If she'd shut up about it, nodody would even have asked.  But, she put herself and her virginity on a pedestal when she said that she'd be a virgin until she married....and she's now been knocked off.

But there's one very happy turkey baster in Cruise-land

Thats what I was thinking as well.....must've been some kind of artifical insemination.  because we all know the celebrities don't lie about their sex lives, right...?

on Oct 06, 2005
Well I’m going to come to Katie’s defense here.

She ste herself up for it, you know. She proclaimed her virginity to the world. If she'd shut up about it, nodody would even have asked. But, she put herself and her virginity on a pedestal when she said that she'd be a virgin until she married....and she's now been knocked off.

She mentioned it once when she was a kid on Dawson’s Creek, it’s the reporters that wouldn’t shut up about it. A side effect of being famous.

We just love to see people who profess higher morals fail don’t we? Makes us feel better about ourselves because we caved the first chance we got. The truth is, she behaved better than most of us and exactly as the pro-lifers think women should behave, right Ted?
on Oct 06, 2005
She mentioned it once when she was a kid on Dawson’s Creek,

I think she's said it more recently. Google: "Katie Holmes" virginity.

BTW... um... I'm a virgin waiting for Ms. Right... so if Nicole Kidman happens to be reading this...

PS -- Oprah will let you jump on her couch, Nic.
on Oct 06, 2005

She mentioned it once when she was a kid on Dawson’s Creek, it’s the reporters that wouldn’t shut up about it. A side effect of being famous.

Umm, incorrect.  Like Gene said, go google it and see what you come up with.  She was hardly a 'kid' either.  She's 26 now, and Dawson's Creek hasn't been on THAT long, so it's not like she was 15 or 16 when she said it.

on Oct 06, 2005
The few times I've seen footage of the two of them together......does anyone else think Tom practically inhales her? And he seems so much more self-assured with her as opposed to Nichole.

It's kinda creepy to me because it's like he is her father/minister/brain washer/fiance'.

He has gone loopy the last few years and I can see him going off into some isolated place and starting a cult, or a harem or something. We'll see I guess.

I think it would be a GREAT STORY if the kid isn't Tom's! buwahahahah
on Oct 06, 2005
I am sure she was an "Everything-but" kind of virgin, even then..... like former MTV VJ and game show host Kennedy was.
on Oct 06, 2005
Lets us give thanx that they did not indulge in anal sex, the birth of a scientoligist LAWYER is too much for me to bear.

on Oct 07, 2005

Did anyone else hear that scientology births are supposed to be free of noise so the birthing mother is expected to not moan or cry out in pain in any sort of way?  Good luck with that Katie, especially if you are also not supposed to take drugs.

I might be old fashioned, but I kind of long for the old days when people weren't "thrilled" when an unmarried couple announced they were expecting.  It is so common now that people rarely even ask if the couple is married or even planning to eventually get married.  Don't get me wrong, I believe in being supportive of those you care about who accidentally find themselves in such a position but I doubt this sort of thing was an accident.

BTW, I loved Gene's turkey baster comment!

on Oct 07, 2005
Did anyone else hear that scientology births are supposed to be free of noise so the birthing mother is expected to not moan or cry out in pain in any sort of way? Good luck with that Katie, especially if you are also not supposed to take drugs.

And that they don't speak to the child for the first seven days (so much for bonding with your baby).

It was on the radio here this morning--it's all slightly mind-boggling.
on Oct 07, 2005
Did anyone else hear that scientology births are supposed to be free of noise so the birthing mother is expected to not moan or cry out in pain in any sort of way? Good luck with that Katie, especially if you are also not supposed to take drugs.

I read something about that this morning, and I said that same thing that you did! Man, she has NO idea what she's in for...and neither does he. His kids with Nicole Kidman are adopted, so I don't think he's ever witnessed a birth.

How unrealistic is to to expect a woman to give birth unmediated AND to remian silent the entire time??? I had Davey with no pain meds, and whilst I didn't scream I sure as hell made SOME noise. I don't remember it, but Dave said I was growling, especially when they were telling me not to push so's the doctor could get his gloves and gown on. I had the benefit of a previous labor, so I knew what it was like.....I can't imagine how it would be if it was my first child. I think I'd be telling scientology to eff off; that they weren't the ones giving birth so they should just shut up and give me an epidural!

I might be old fashioned, but I kind of long for the old days when people weren't "thrilled" when an unmarried couple announced they were expecting.

Yeah, getting pregnant without the benefit of marriage never used to be something to crow about and shout from the rooftops. Used to be that you got married before you started to show and THEN announed that you were pregnant afterwards. Heheh.....that's what Dave and I did. I was 9 weeks pregnant with Davey when we got hitched, and we never told anyone except out folks until a couple of weeks after the wedding.
on Oct 07, 2005
And that they don't speak to the child for the first seven days (so much for bonding with your baby).

Huh??????? What kind of craziness is THAT????? The first few days it's INCREDIBLY important that moms and dads talk to their infants.... it's not only a bonding method but it's soothing for the baby. They recognize the voices from when they were inside the womb and it's comforting for them.

my gawd, what kind of a life is this child going to be born into? It's got parents who are devotees of a 'religion' based on the works of a not-very-good science fiction writer, who believe that one day aliens will come and take them away.

Doomed, I tell ya. Doomed.
on Oct 07, 2005
Let's just hope she doesn't get post-partum depression!
on Oct 07, 2005
I heard a very funny comment today on the radio about this--in reference to the "silent birth" and not speaking to the child for a week, a listener emailed the dj and said:

"Bet Katie was silent during conception as well."

on Oct 07, 2005

"Bet Katie was silent during conception as well."


Let's just hope she doesn't get post-partum depression!

Oh lord yes! 

I started out feeling good about their relationship, but as time has passed I'm not getting that 'warm fuzzy' feeling anymore.  She's so....naive.  Impressionable.  He's so...strong willed, and to be honest, a little psychotic about scientology.  She's taking classes in makes me wonder if she's doing it for her, or for him.   It seems a little...contrived.  Like she's doing it to make him happy, not becauss she believes in it. He's got himself a little girl who worships the ground he walks on and will do anything to make him happy...he's finally going to have himself a happy little scientology family, something that Nicole never gave him.


on Oct 07, 2005
What's the old joke about cancelling the Hollywood Christmas pageant each year because it's impossible to find three wise men and a virgin?
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