Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on October 25, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging

I don't care what other people think of me.

I don't care what other people say about me.

I don't care that other people are advocating my demise. 

When I first started blogging, such a suggestion would have crippled me emotionally.  I would have been wounded; I would have obsessed about it.

Now, I can say with all honesty that I really don't care.

If the comment had come from someone I respected, from someone who's opinion I valued or someone who I cared about, then I would be hurt. 

But, it didn't, ergo: I don't.

So, why am I blogging about it?

Because I want to show people that I don't care.  I want to show people how far I have come.  I want to celebrate this accomplishment, and have other people celebrate with me.

I am still standing...and I am still here.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 25, 2004
Good on ya Dharma
on Oct 25, 2004

Thanks, Slc-y.


on Oct 25, 2004
I'll email it to you....
on Oct 25, 2004
Dharma! You kick ass! So keep kicking ass! Fo' evah!

on Oct 25, 2004


I'm still amazed that self-proclaimed 'intelligent' people have nothing better to do than think of ways to kill me. 

According to them I'm a morbidly obese "saggy old cunt" who poses for pornographic pictures.

on Oct 25, 2004
but we love you sweety.....
on Oct 25, 2004

but we love you sweety.....

Thank-you, Mano.  I love you all too...and if it had been one of you who had said such things to and about me, then I would be hurt. 

But you didn't!

on Oct 25, 2004
I'm sorry this crap is still carrying on, dharma. Good for you for keeping it in perspective, though. I admire you very much for your emotional maturity (amongst other things). As myrrander says,
Dharma! You kick ass! So keep kicking ass! Fo' evah!

on Oct 25, 2004
Way to let them wallow in their insecurities, while you rise above yours. Good job Dharma.
on Oct 25, 2004


The thing that's keeping me going through all of this is that these idiots don't know me.  They have no clue what I'm about. 

Dave just saw what's been going on.....and he's pissed.  Wants me to stop blogging so they'll leave me alone. 

Yeah, that's not gonna happen..!

on Oct 25, 2004
Dev..thank you too.  It means a lot to know that you're all rooting for me....
on Oct 25, 2004
In the words of Shakespeare's Sister -

"i don't care if you talk about me
i don't care if you write it out in stone
whenever i fall i land on my feet
i don't care, i just don't care"

"i don't care if you act like a queen
i don't care if you take it out on me
i've got 9 lives and i land on my feet
i don't care, i just don't care "

Keep on keepin' on!
on Oct 25, 2004

Thanks,'s true, I really don't care!  I would like for everyone else to see their stupidity, though....but I guess they take care of that themselves.


on Oct 25, 2004
In the words of Shakespeare's Sister -

I so remember that song!
on Oct 25, 2004
Thanks,'s true, I really don't care! I would like for everyone else to see their stupidity, though....but I guess they take care of that themselves.

I'm with you on that!

In the words of Shakespeare's Sister -

I so remember that song!

I actually just listened to it! Over the weekend, I pulled out my old CD collection and ripped songs off about 100 CD's or so to populate my new 250GB hard drive! I actually had the full CD and the CD single! I thought of it right after I read this post and searched out the lyrics on the net while I listened to it!
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