Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on October 25, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging

I don't care what other people think of me.

I don't care what other people say about me.

I don't care that other people are advocating my demise. 

When I first started blogging, such a suggestion would have crippled me emotionally.  I would have been wounded; I would have obsessed about it.

Now, I can say with all honesty that I really don't care.

If the comment had come from someone I respected, from someone who's opinion I valued or someone who I cared about, then I would be hurt. 

But, it didn't, ergo: I don't.

So, why am I blogging about it?

Because I want to show people that I don't care.  I want to show people how far I have come.  I want to celebrate this accomplishment, and have other people celebrate with me.

I am still standing...and I am still here.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 25, 2004
Since I don't ever go there I did not have a clue such things were being said. Remember where the hand goes in puppets and muppets.
on Oct 25, 2004

i'm sorry this happened to you, dharma. i have to admit that i have no clue who 'they' are, and i don't know what happened. but i don't need to. despite my reputation for 'fence sitting', i simply must speak out in your defence.

derogatory comments such as the ones 'they' made (as in #6 comment above) serve no purpose other than to show the emotional immaturity of those making them.

'their' use of aspects of sexuality as insults is typical of this type of jerk, too. such men, (who usually have trouble relating to strong women) often call them 'cunts' or 'whores' or imply other such things because the stupid backwards bastards can't handle women who can think for themselves.

congratulations are in order, dharma. you did an excellent job deflecting this garbage. long may you blog.


mig XXX

on Oct 25, 2004

Mig, thank you.  I know you don't like to get involved, and I don't blame you. 

I agree with your thoughts about the caliber of men who make comments like the one I described above.  It's usually a last resort when they're confronted with a woman who has a IQ (and balls) bigger than theirs.

Smooches and hugs to you too, sweetie....

Geez: thank you too. 


on Oct 25, 2004

I think you're awesome. I love your blog...your insights about marriage, motherhood, and life in general.

Really...I'm with mignuna...I don't know who "they" are either, but I'm glad that you can know that you're better than petty games, and really, what it comes down to, is that these people don't really have anything better to do than to beat you and others down. They take out their...emotional immaturities online versus in real life...

So...even though "they" may be moronic, please remember that there are those of us out there that really respect you and love reading what you have to write each day. Whenever I get home from work, check the news, my email, and my blog, I head to your articles first.

You're awesome! Keep on keepin on.
on Oct 25, 2004
Way to go dharma! Its good to read your articles n to know u wont stop writing despite idiotic remarks. Cheers!
on Oct 26, 2004
I have found the "disconnected" ( I can't find better word ) to very useful indeed. Basically it means I do care, but not in emotional way.

I used to have really bad temper. Must be little bit of Irish blood from my father. Anyway nowadays I don't get really angry often. About the only times I get angry is unfounded accusations, and behind my back complaints about me.

But sometimes my temper would flare up anyway.
on Oct 26, 2004

You know that if it wasnt for you I wouldnt be blogging here.. You are an amazing and inspiring woman who has so much to offer ( remember Im swinging that handbag incase your thinking you dont deserve this) ..

You know the ones who are saying this stuff are examples of the scum that live on this planet. They come up in the lives of people such as yourself because they are afraid of the light that shines from you. They are afraid of the courage and the determination, the true spirit of humanity. They talk of values which come from organisations which have discarded love to embrace fear for power, they see people like You Dharma who walk the walk and talk the talk and it scares them so they spit their venom at you. Little do they know that the more they do it the more they wallow in their own shit and it sticks.

I love you sister. Keep blogging and keep standing tall!!
on Oct 26, 2004

I totally understand where you are coming from Karen.  When I first started blogging I wrote a lot of political stuff and got some nastiness dished my way.  I didn't take it well at first because I really have never had anyone dislike me in person that I know of (not since jr high anyway).  Nowadays I really don't care.  Matter of fact, I often get a chuckle when someone calls me a name.  I have been called ignorant and shallow for instance.  I know for a fact that I am neither so it just bounces off.

I totally believe you that you don't care.  I also agree with LW that these guys are foolish, desparate and I also think they are pathetic so instead of being mad at them, you probably pity I right?

on Oct 26, 2004

So...even though "they" may be moronic, please remember that there are those of us out there that really respect you and love reading what you have to write each day

Marcie...thank you so much.  You and I didn't get off to a very good start, but I have a lot of respect for you now....I think of you as a little sister, if that makes sense.


[quote]have found the "disconnected" ( I can't find better word ) to very useful indeed. Basically it means I do care, but not in emotional way.

That's exactly what I do too.  Thanks for the comment!


You know the ones who are saying this stuff are examples of the scum that live on this planet

They certainly are an intersting bunch, that's for sure.  I wonder what they'd be like in real life.....and thank you, honey.  You know....and you know what i mean.



on Oct 26, 2004
Hmm somethings broken.

You're welcome.
on Oct 26, 2004

I simply just don't go to that site.  What they say over there has no bearing on the real world, so why bother.  If they get their shits and giggles acting like prepubescent boys, then let them have their fun.  SPM never fooled anyone, and his site is just as transparent.  Just shake it off and say:"I feel sorry for them.  They obviously have such crummy lives that the only fun they get is saying nasty things about people they don't even know."

I also like to visualize the people I talk to.  People like the ones on that site I imagine as men in their late 30's, dark rimmed glasses, overweight, kinda' sweaty, and living in their mommy's basement.  The only "thrill" they can get is trying to be somebody online that their meek little selves could never be in person.

on Oct 26, 2004
Dharma...I wasn't sure what this post was about at first, but one quick look at the cesspool of former JU associates cleared it up. Sadly.

I'm glad you're here, and I'm glad I met you. So, cheers and continued happiness in everything you write!
on Oct 26, 2004

LW...I know what they are and how they are.  I don't know why i expect them to play 'fair'; it's obviously beyond their level of maturity.  I'm just glad that they're not here anymore.

Jill: thank you!  You're right, I'm not mad.  I don't really know what I feel for them...disdain, pity..? 

karma:  I usually don't go there, someone emailed me the link and told me what was being said.  I find the whole site distasteful so i try to stay away....I just find it amusing that people who don't know me are advocating my being dropped in the middle of Falluja in a NY yankees hat and McDonalds T shirt. 

Myrr..again, thank you.  I'm glad that I met you as're giving me a different perspective on a lot of issues and making me think.  Gotta love that!

Thank you all for your comments and your, if I can just convince my husband that my stopping blogging is not going to end this.....

on Oct 26, 2004
I am totally unaware of any current drama, but I am glad you don't care... life is to short!
on Oct 26, 2004

life is to short!

Yes, it is...and as long as those I care about are cool with me, then that's all I need to know.


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