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Published on October 20, 2004 By dharmagrl In Misc


My husband, despite having spent the last year away from his family, is slated to go to Iraq in March.

This sucks.  I mean, it blows.  He's been back 9 weeks, and already there are plans for him to have to leave for another 6 months.

If anyone ever doubted that the military is undermanned, I ask them to consider my scenario.  This is not an isolated incident, in fact, it's really quite common.  Men and women in the armed forces are overstretched...there aren't enough people to do the job.  We have activated Reserve and Guard units, but still people are getting stretched almost to breaking point.  It's ridiculous. My husband has been gone at least once a year for at least 5 months out of that year every year he's been in the service (that's 12 years now)

Here's something else that's ridiculous: there are people in my husband's squadron who have never deployed.  Ever.  In their entire military career, these folks have never stepped up to the plate and fulfilled their obligation.  They have always found excuses.....their wife couldn't cope with the kids alone, they had family, medical or financial issues...there was always something.  In the meantime, people like my husband and his friends are getting sent in his place.  My thoughts about that?  If you cannot do your duty, or you do not want to do your duty, get the fuck out of the service.  Don't make someone else do your job for you.  Don't leave a mess and then expect someone else to clean it up.  You knew when you joined that if this country went to war, you would have to go fight.  You raised your right hand and swore an oath to defend America, and by finding reasons to not go you are not only letting yourself down, you're letting your country down. 

It might seem like I'm bitching about my husband having to go away again, and in a way, I am. I'm not bitching about him doing his duty and defending his country.  I knew what this was going to be like before we got married...I took an vow to support him, no matter what, and I intend to do that.  I'm bitching about lame ass losers not wanting to do their part and other people having to pick up their slack more than anything.  I'm bitching about people thinking that the military has it good, too good.  I'm bitching about people saying that we don't need to expand the armed forces, that we have enough people, that we don't need any more personnel. 

I don't see that from where I'm standing.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 20, 2004
dharma, this earns my Insightful. Every word of this article is so true . . . I don't what to say except, right on.

I'm so sorry dave is going to be going again. Bless your heart. I hurt for you right now. I am just so very sorry.
on Oct 20, 2004

Bless your heart. I hurt for you right now. I am just so very sorry.

It's ok, Tex....we knew it was going to happen.  It's not like he's going tomorrow, we still have a while.  it just pisses me off that I see assholes walking around proud that they haven't gone anywhere.

Thanks for the insightful, though!

on Oct 20, 2004

I wouldn't blame you if you were bitching about him getting deployed.  Here's hoping things are far better over there by then.


on Oct 20, 2004
I guess I'm just a jerk, but I believe that broke asses who are on permanent profile and people with family situations that prohibit deployment don't really belong in the military. They receive the same benefits we do, but they don't have to make the same sacrifices. Grrrr . . .
on Oct 20, 2004

Reply By: Texas WahinePosted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I guess I'm just a jerk, but I believe that broke asses who are on permanent profile and people with family situations that prohibit deployment don't really belong in the military.

I'm in agreement.  Would a civilian employer tolerate that kind of crap?  No.  So why should the military be any different? 

on Oct 20, 2004

Here's hoping things are far better over there by then

Thanks...that's what we're hoping for as well. 

on Oct 20, 2004
You deserve a good, healthy "piss off". I'll never forget a man I knew growing up who was in the worst the Korean war could dish out. One day a group of men were discussing the "rightness" or "Wrongness" of Korea & Vietnam and he sat there not saying a word, until finally he spoke up and said "I don't know about any of that, I'm just a dumb country boy. All I know for sure is that I went and I can walk down the street now with my head up. I DID my duty". I saw then that he had something those "losers" never will.

Right on...
on Oct 20, 2004
I don't know what to say, dharma, but I got a lot of love for you through this site, and I want to post something. As much as I respect and honor the soldiers who are deployed, I respect and honor the ones they leave, too. You are what keeps this society together, it was like that in WWII, and it's like that now. Best hopes.

on Oct 20, 2004
Well coming from one who's seriously contemplating enlisting now... I can say that I hope I don't ever get deployed! lol Though trust me when I say I just hope, I wouldn't go out of my way to keep myself here, and would go right away if they wanted me there. I just know myself, and know that I would be hard pressed to ever EVER be offensive. Even if I was being fired at I know I'd be wary of firing back because I'd be too petrified about killing someone because that's totally out of my nature.

Though if I do have that happen and I get deployed, I'd hope for some role with cargo, or fueling or some such, so that I can still help, still be of valuable use and help those who are willing to go a bit deeper into harms way than I am. I don't ever want to have to kill a man, not even really in self defense. (though, I'm 99.999% sure that no other of the soldiers out there really want to be out killing, though there are those few.....)

When you chose a job you should know what the duties entail, and with any branch of our armed forces one of those duties can be to be deployed to a dangerous location, or even into war to defend the country.

My grandfather was in the Army, and had a tour of duty back in WWII, and he has to be one of the most humble gentle men I've ever known in my life, but he was always one to do what was required of him. Sadly the men/women you seem to be talking about seem to not have a scrap of the charactor he had.

I know I've stated before how much respect I have for every single member of our armed forces, and how grateful I am to them but I can never state it enough. Please Dharma go and give your husband a giant hug for me, (or maybe if he'd feel better about it a nice firm handshake since it comes from a guy ) and a huge thanks from me for doing his duty.

Now I guess I need to meander over to Texas's blog and find one of her posts to tell her to give her husband my thanks... and not to mention the many other Armed forces people we have on here... I just gave myself a lot of work to do! lol

on Oct 20, 2004

I don't know about any of that, I'm just a dumb country boy. All I know for sure is that I went and I can walk down the street now with my head up. I DID my duty".

And that's exactly what I'm talkin' about.

Myrrander...I really don't know what to say, dude.  Thank you just doesn't seem to bought a tear to my eye with what you said.  Just wanted you to know.

M-Post...Thank you, and I'll tell him.  You're right about there being a lack of character....many people these days join the service because they want the benefits, the money for education, or to travel.  That being said, most of them are prepared to do what their country asks them to do when and if the time comes. 

To me, it's better to say "no, I don't want to do this.  I'm not going to do this", take your punishment and get out than it is to keep finding lame ass reasons why you can't go when you're called.

Thank you sooo much for your responses and your really have no idea hw much it means to me, and to Dave too.

on Oct 20, 2004
Dharma>> the posts of the families that the soldiers leave behind bring tears to my eyes. And I will never feel ashamed of crying over you all. You military families make me so proud to call myself "American." You mothers are our truest patriots.
on Oct 20, 2004

I guess I don't know what to say either...other than "thank you." Military men and women and their families sacrifice so much for us, and I think that y'all are underappreciated.

Know that what Dave and you and your kids are doing is very important, that that you are appreciated from the bottom of my itty bitty heart.
on Oct 21, 2004
Hey Dharma, great post. My wife and I felt we were lucky when I got to spend 90 days at home between my year tour in Koreand my current deployment in Iraq, because our situation is pretty common, and we at least got those 90 days. We're both big fans of your blog, keep it up, and you and your husband keep the faith. We're all supporting you.
on Oct 21, 2004
Oh Dharma... this really sucks.

I can't say anything more to you but the spirit I see in you guys is something truely amazing.

Im a bit speechless at the moment. Talk with you soon.
on Oct 21, 2004

Marcie....thank YOU!  Knowing that people have an understanding of what it's like and are actually appreciative...well, that makes things a little easier to deal with.

Hyperborean...hello, and welcome!  I'm glad that you like my rantings!  I'm sorry that you got crapped on too, but I'm thankful that we have decent people like you who are prepared to do what is required of them when asked.  You wife, too...I know only too well, that us spouses carry as much of the burden of deployment as the active duty guys do sometimes.'s ok, really.  I don't know if I could handle him shirking his duty and finding some excuse to not go...I think that that would make me feel worse than if he went.  Besides, I'm closer to family this time...his folks live a couple of hours away so it's not like I'm going to be totally isolated. could always play the lottery and come to see me if you win!!

Thanks to all for your comments!

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