Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on October 20, 2004 By dharmagrl In Misc


My husband, despite having spent the last year away from his family, is slated to go to Iraq in March.

This sucks.  I mean, it blows.  He's been back 9 weeks, and already there are plans for him to have to leave for another 6 months.

If anyone ever doubted that the military is undermanned, I ask them to consider my scenario.  This is not an isolated incident, in fact, it's really quite common.  Men and women in the armed forces are overstretched...there aren't enough people to do the job.  We have activated Reserve and Guard units, but still people are getting stretched almost to breaking point.  It's ridiculous. My husband has been gone at least once a year for at least 5 months out of that year every year he's been in the service (that's 12 years now)

Here's something else that's ridiculous: there are people in my husband's squadron who have never deployed.  Ever.  In their entire military career, these folks have never stepped up to the plate and fulfilled their obligation.  They have always found excuses.....their wife couldn't cope with the kids alone, they had family, medical or financial issues...there was always something.  In the meantime, people like my husband and his friends are getting sent in his place.  My thoughts about that?  If you cannot do your duty, or you do not want to do your duty, get the fuck out of the service.  Don't make someone else do your job for you.  Don't leave a mess and then expect someone else to clean it up.  You knew when you joined that if this country went to war, you would have to go fight.  You raised your right hand and swore an oath to defend America, and by finding reasons to not go you are not only letting yourself down, you're letting your country down. 

It might seem like I'm bitching about my husband having to go away again, and in a way, I am. I'm not bitching about him doing his duty and defending his country.  I knew what this was going to be like before we got married...I took an vow to support him, no matter what, and I intend to do that.  I'm bitching about lame ass losers not wanting to do their part and other people having to pick up their slack more than anything.  I'm bitching about people thinking that the military has it good, too good.  I'm bitching about people saying that we don't need to expand the armed forces, that we have enough people, that we don't need any more personnel. 

I don't see that from where I'm standing.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 21, 2004
i sympathize with you. i understand what you are going through (My husband is Hyperborean Wanderer) and i have often felt the same way about soldiers avoiding deployments by getting pregnant....THAT really drives me nuts.

I am glad to see that you are a strong individual who supports their husband and can hold your head high when you are alone.....I have a lot of respect for anyone who can do several deployments back to back without falling apart and dragging thier spouse away from what they need to concentrate on....Kudos to you....

PS feel free to rant and rave anytime you want!
on Oct 21, 2004
and i have often felt the same way about soldiers avoiding deployments by getting pregnant....THAT really drives me nuts.

Ohhhh yeeeeaaahhh. Grrrrrrrr.
on Oct 21, 2004
I'm sorry to hear all this. I meant to come by and comment sooner, but... ah.... I'm a shiftless dirtbag more worried about fantasy basketball and all (plug, plug)...

I hope that the time you have together between now and then goes by very slowly (and yet, very quickly for Texas Wahine - I'll see what I can do with my time manipulation powers) and that your family enjoys every minute of it. I also hope that the situation improves daily before and during his deployment. Safer is always better. Take care!
on Oct 21, 2004
and i have often felt the same way about soldiers avoiding deployments by getting pregnant....THAT really drives me nuts.

Yeah, that bothers me a lot more than other slackers....I may start my own thread just to gripe about that!
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