It's the 16th in England as I wrtie this, which means that I am now officially 35....which, if you hold with the Biblical life span of 'three score years and ten' makes me middle aged.
I don't feel much different, to tell you the truth (not that I expected to feel any different). I don't feel old, middle aged, or even like I'm in my 30's. In fact, I think I look better now than I did when I was a teenager..I think a lot of that is due to confidence. I wasn't really sure of who I was or what I was about until I was in my late 20's, so I'm still relishing being 'me'.
I am going to make a change though...a couple of changes, actually. Some people aren't going to like them. The people I give a rat's behind about already know I have the capacity to do this, and have seen me do it...but it's going to come as a hell of a shock to some folks.
I'm going to let my blunt side out to play. I'm tired of trying to be tactful, of treading lightly around people and their 'issues', especially around here. I seem to have been more tactful than truthful lately (except for the past few days) and that bothers me. There's a time and a place for everything, and the time has come for Dharma-The-Blunt to come out and play. I wanted to say 'bitchy' but that term implies a certain amount of spite...and that's something I don't do. So, if I seem a little ...umm...tactless in what I say and do in the next few weeks, you'll now know why.
The second change.....I'm think I'm going to start taking more of a back seat around here. I've been doing so for a couple of days now, mainly because there's been so much bullshit and manipulation going on. Don't think for a second that I'm being run off, that's not it at all...I just don't have anything tactful or sweet to say, so I've chosen to say nothing at all. I suppose that now DTB (dharma the blunt) is around my decision to back off a little might not come to pass...but we'll see. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some threads recently left me extremely frustrated and I don't think that blogging should have that effect on me. It's supposed to be cathartic, a release...and recently it simply hasn't.
Anyway, I'm now 35. Just wanted to let you know.