Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
Published on June 15, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging

It's the 16th in England as I wrtie this, which means that I am now officially 35....which, if you hold with the Biblical life span of 'three score years and ten' makes me middle aged.

I don't feel much different, to tell you the truth (not that I expected to feel any different). I don't feel old, middle aged, or even like I'm in my 30's.  In fact, I think I look better now than I did when I was a teenager..I think a lot of that is due to confidence.  I wasn't really sure of who I was or what I was about until I was in my late 20's, so I'm still relishing being 'me'. 

I am going to make a change though...a couple of changes, actually.  Some people aren't going to like them.  The people I give a rat's behind about already know I have the capacity to do this, and have seen me do it...but it's going to come as a hell of a shock to some folks.

I'm going to let my blunt side out to play.  I'm tired of trying to be tactful, of treading lightly around people and their 'issues', especially around here.  I seem to have been more tactful than truthful lately (except for the past few days) and that bothers me.  There's a time and a place for everything, and the time has come for Dharma-The-Blunt to come out and play. I wanted to say 'bitchy' but that term implies a certain amount of spite...and that's something I don't do.  So, if I seem a little ...umm...tactless in what I say and do in the next few weeks, you'll now know why.

The second change.....I'm think I'm going to start taking more of a back seat around here.  I've been doing so for a couple of days now, mainly because there's been so much bullshit and manipulation going on.  Don't think for a second that I'm being run off, that's not it at all...I just don't have anything tactful or sweet to say, so I've chosen to say nothing at all.  I suppose that now DTB (dharma the blunt) is around my decision to back off a little might not come to pass...but we'll see.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that some threads recently left me extremely frustrated and I don't think that blogging should have that effect on me.  It's supposed to be cathartic, a release...and recently it simply hasn't.

Anyway, I'm now 35.  Just wanted to let you know.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 16, 2004
I hope the rest of your birthday is pleasant, and the morons don't intrude too heavily upon it.
on Jun 16, 2004
Bluntness.....yeah, I think I'm going to like it. I'm going to try and be tactfully blunt....but I'm going to start calling it as I see it.

Be careful, people might label you as a zealot for not conforming.
on Jun 16, 2004
Thank you, pseudo...I'm bringing out Dharma-The-Blunt to deal with them in the future.  being tactful obviously isn't working!
on Jun 16, 2004
Happy Birthday! If you are officialy middle aged, I do not want to know what I am, at 43.
on Jun 16, 2004
Thank you, Wise Fawn...and I think that after 35 all women should just stop counting.  I think I will.
on Jun 16, 2004
I think once you hit 40 you're supposed to count back to 29 then stay there
on Jun 16, 2004

, thanks LW......I'm middle aged and proud, dammit!!

Eww, birdy poo on my gateau! 


on Jun 16, 2004

BTW, Black Forest rocks!  My fav is carrot.  I usually only have it once a year if that.  My hubby's fav is cheesecake (the most difficult to make of course).

I was meaning to ask, not to change the subject, how are your kids dealing with Father's Day this year?

on Jun 16, 2004
Happy Birthday
on Jun 16, 2004
FWIW, my wife will be celbrating her 29th birthday this year. Again.
on Jun 16, 2004

BTW, Black Forest rocks! My fav is carrot.

I haven't ever made a carrot cake.....we don't eat it in England.  I looove my black forest do my kids.

They'll be sending ecards and calling their Dad on Father's Day this year.  We've all had to 'make do' this past year but will be making up for lost time next year!

Pseudo...I'm not getting any older than 35.  This is it for me. 

Thanks, Phoenix....

on Jun 16, 2004
Happy Birthday, Dharma! And don't start with the middle-aged junk....I'll be 43 in just a couple of weeks, and I'm not middle-aged yet, so you can't be!

I think once you hit 40 you're supposed to count back to 29 then stay there

No way! I've worked hard to get to where I am, and I'm proud of it! So there!!

BTW, Black Forest rocks! My fav is carrot. I usually only have it once a year if that. My hubby's fav is cheesecake (the most difficult to make of course).

Fave cake is German chocolate...but I'm not a big cake person....My birthday cake for many, many years has been a "birthday watermelon"....advantages to being a July 5th baby!

on Jun 16, 2004
I LOVE carrot cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to make it and put grated cake on the icing as decoration - but I'm weird when it comes to food, ice-cream on hot buttered toast, vegemite & red frog sandwiches (also good is vegemite and redfrogs on a bagel and u melt the frogs in the microwave mmmmm) vegemite and cheese on french toast, vegemite and lettuce, vegemite and garlic bread or better garlic bread and honey, ham, honey, peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, mcdonalds fries and ice-cream and even better mcdonalds hash browns with oreo mcflurry.

Nick hates carrot cake so we never ever get it - I had a Mocha mud cake for my birthday OH they're the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday again Dharma

this is a song we sang at my old church - of course I'm substituting Jesus for you with Budha (is that right?)
Happy Birthday to You
Happy BIrthday to You
May Lord Budha be here
Every day of the year
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
and the best year you've ever had!!!!
on Jun 16, 2004

Oh, trina!  First off, thanks for the birthday songs....secondly, did you eat 'normal' things when you were pregnant?  Vegemite and garlic bread I can understand....but hash browns and Mc flurrys?       That's an unusual combination to say the least!


on Jun 16, 2004
Dharma that's all high-school stuff!!!!

When pregnant my weird thing was honey toast all the time, salt and vinegar chips (smiths only) and jacaranda ice-coffee.

I didn't have ANY McDonalds at all - especially not ice-cream - Nick read pregnancy books warning against stuff - I was never allowed to have Caesar salad because the dressing was egg mayonaise, McDonalds ice-cream was pig fat -- lysistrata etc - he was very careful about everything I ate while pregnant.
Plus in the later stages EVERYTHING gave me heartburn and made me sick
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