Knitting. Yarn. Fiber artistry. More knitting. Nursing school. Hospice work. Death and the dying process. Phoenix Raven's. Knitting. Yarn. Oh, and Life As An Air Force Wife.
dharmagrl's Articles In Marriage
January 20, 2006 by dharmagrl
Tomorrow will mark the 12th anniversary of the day I changed my last name. I wore a green velvet dress and flowers in my hair; he wore jeans and cowboy boots. He said I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and carried me across the threshold of our little house.  I said that he was my 'One' and wept as he placed the ring on my finger. Twelve years later, he's still my 'One'.  He still thinks I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen (even when I have bedhead and pil...
June 25, 2007 by dharmagrl
*This exchange happened as we were driving to the hospital last Friday* Him: 'Hey, if I'm left in a coma and a zombie attack happens - or even if one happens when I'm under anasthesia - I want you to take the kids and get out of town.  But, before you go, I want you to leave my good boots under my bed so that when I finally come to I'll have them there waiting.' Me: 'Okey doke.  Want me to leave anything else?' Him: 'Nope, just my boots.'. Me: "Sure thing, daddy-o.  Ho...