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Published on April 18, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging
I have, I think, come across my first real griefer. I've read about them, heard about them, and suspected that certain bloggers might hold griefer tendencies, but didn't really think that I had come across a fully fledged one...until now.

For the sake of propriety I shan't name names, but Dan knows who I'm talking about. You all are a sharp bunch, I'm sure it won't take you too long to catch on.

Trolls...met one of them recently, a proper one....on both mine and Mack's blog. She's trying to sell us drugs over the internet, but has very ineptly tried to disguise her pitch as a call for stricter enforcement of DEA regulations. takes all kinds, doesn't it?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 18, 2004
What is a griefer or a troll? : ) I am not up on all the lingo.
on Apr 18, 2004
On the bright side, if we need to buy drugs or just generally be creeped out, at least now we know where to go:)

on Apr 18, 2004
Yes, Dan, that's very true.

Jill, Brad wrote an article explaining what griefers are:

Trolls (IMO) are people who leave comments on people's blogs that aren't relevant to the topic of conversation, and/or are offensive.
on Apr 18, 2004
So a reply such as this that doesn't add to the conversation would be trolling?

Thanks for the link, hadn't heard about griefers.
on Apr 18, 2004
Nah, I wouldn't have classed that as trolling. Had you said "your blog is a piece of shit and so are you"; tried to sell me something or ruthlessly plugged yourself and your blog...well, yeah, then I'd say that's trolling.

It is a good article, isn't it?
on Apr 19, 2004
Yeah - she popped up Muggaz stylez as well...

on Apr 19, 2004
Once I took that first step into blacklisting, I've since then added. I seriously doubt that they would respond to my blog in the first place, but from what I read from them in other people's blogs, I've decided that I didn't want to see it in mine. Simply put, I don't really want crap in it. (Unless it's mine, of course! ) It's a tough decision, but there are people out there that just want to trounce on an opinion because they can. If they give me thought out opinions and interesting comments, then sure... feel free to post. But, maybe it's because I've been blogging for so long now (haha) that I just don't feel the need to let just anyone bring me down for their own amusement.
Good blog.
on Apr 19, 2004
I was right about the griefer. They said some really nasty things about Anne.....

...and as much as I want to, I'm not going to respond. I refuse to.
on Apr 19, 2004
I saw the troll. I haven't checked out the griefer yet. It is hard to just ignore them even when you know you should.
on Apr 19, 2004
politics....all politics.
on Apr 19, 2004
I'm not a big fan of this griefer either, if it's who I think you are referring to--My apologies Dan, but I really thought it was you at first and was very confused...hopefully, he/she will become bored and leave us be...I fail to understand the point of being so intentionally cruel...
on Apr 19, 2004
Good, so I'm not the only one who's seen it.

I don't see the point of it either, Shades. It's just petty have no life if your own, so you make it your mission to destroy someone elses? Yeah, that's mature. Like Brad said in his article, most griefers are socially inept in real-life situations. I wonder if they'd be like this face-to-face with the person they're griefing? I doubt it.
on Apr 19, 2004
Lol Dharma, too true too true to your last comment.

I was annoyed at first by Mr. Griefer, but I got over it. I think he's trying to play with peoples' minds, and when I remember that it doesn't bother me.

on Apr 19, 2004
Cool! I was worried that you's think I didn't have your back, Anne, when I do...I just refuse to give him what he wants by responding to his pathetic attacks. He acts like he's sooooo much more superior than the rest of us...when in actuality he's prolly some 30-ish, overweight Trekkie who lives in his momma's basement, games all the time, collects comic books and trading cards and hasn't ever had a real-live, full-on relationship with anyone.
on Apr 19, 2004
Dharma are you talking about this Dipique chap?
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