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Published on April 18, 2004 By dharmagrl In Blogging
I have, I think, come across my first real griefer. I've read about them, heard about them, and suspected that certain bloggers might hold griefer tendencies, but didn't really think that I had come across a fully fledged one...until now.

For the sake of propriety I shan't name names, but Dan knows who I'm talking about. You all are a sharp bunch, I'm sure it won't take you too long to catch on.

Trolls...met one of them recently, a proper one....on both mine and Mack's blog. She's trying to sell us drugs over the internet, but has very ineptly tried to disguise her pitch as a call for stricter enforcement of DEA regulations. takes all kinds, doesn't it?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 19, 2004
Yes, Sir Peter, I am.
on Apr 19, 2004
He seems like a quite a stupid chap, probably unemployed on state benefits so he is taking his frustration out on people on the internet. If he did it in reality he would be punched on the nose or shot with a rifle, the vile little peasant!
on Apr 19, 2004
To my extreme disappointment, the first article to which I've felt the urge to reply has me blacklisted. And no doubt this response too will be be disposed of, but that doesn't bother me.

I saw this article title floating on top of the forum posts. I couldn't imagine that anybody would care enough to reply unless there was an interesting subject. Which, of course, there was. You are all very confident in your ability to handle this situation, but your attitudes will change very quickly, and many of you will join me. It is inevitable.
on Apr 19, 2004
Dharma, I will just say I am with you now with Mr Griefer. I think Sir Pete is dead on about this one.
on Apr 19, 2004
You are all very confident in your ability to handle this situation, but your attitudes will change very quickly, and many of you will join me. It is inevitable.

You know, you can take your superior attitude and shove it up your ass sideways, you pathetic little waste of space and time. I'm not going to dispose of your response, I find it highly amusing and I want other people to get a good laugh out of it too. I should thank you; I have the flu today and hadn't found anything amusing until you wrote that and gave me a chuckle. You think I'm intimidated by you? Think again, fuckstick. I'm not intimidated by your persona, because I'm certain that who/what you are in reality is very very different than what you portray yourself to be here..and even if you ARE anything like you want us all to believe, I'm still not intimidated or impressed.

Keep posting reponses under anonymous user names; I'll keep on blacklisting.

Have a wonderful fucking day!
on Apr 19, 2004
Well, seems Brad has indentified our griefer......I think it comical that he responded to this article twice, once under his 'ordinary' JU handle, and once under 'Take A Wild Guess'......
on Apr 19, 2004
Think again, fuckstick.

Now that made me laugh. Dharma, keep on....

on Apr 19, 2004
You know, I laughed the whole time I was writing that reponse...and that particular phrase makes me giggle too...

..thanks for the sentiment!
on Apr 19, 2004
Dharma~I'd just like to say that I am truly stunned by the mean spirited comments I read about Anne in that other blog~the person who said those things to her might as well have been describing a totally different Anne? Because the Anne I know is very wise and perceptive and sweet. A truly gifted writer and poet. She did not deserve those insults being slung at her at all! I mean, just look at how she is approaching the situation now? With so much dignity and generosity of spirit. With so much wisdom beyond her years. Anne~you continue to amaze me again and again. JU is a much better place because you are here with us now.

Thanks for this cool article. I did not even know all the facts~until I read between the lines here, and then read some of the other articles people were mentioning, etc. So NOW I have a better idea of what was being said, and what was done. And Anne did not deserve ANY of it. So I am gonna stop now, because this has all been so intense and confusing. But I did want to thank you for helping me to sort through all of the different opinions and remarks, and come to my own conclusion as a result. It is so very good to have all the facts. Liberating~even. THANKS!

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