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Published on January 4, 2006 By dharmagrl In Misc

When I was younger, I felt an affinity to punk rock and it's style.  Actually, it was verging on gothic...not full on vampire fangs, white faced and red lipped gothic, but a more urban, grungy kind of gothic ( The Damned, Siouxsie and The Banshees et al were favorites of mine)

Anyway, my parents being as they were (wholesome, simple country folks - who just happened to be pretty strict about stuff) I never was really able to indulge in my punk-goth tendencies.  I always had linitations on how I could dress and what I could do.  I felt stifled, and that led to my not really finding myself until I was nearly 30. 

Because I felt stifled as a teenager, I often find myself looking wisftfully at clothes and shoes that I would, had I been given a chance, worn when I was younger.  Like the pair of shoes I found a week before Christmas.  They're what I call 'bondage boots', and they look like this:

She and I were in Hot Topic, and we saw those beauties on clearance.  With 50% off.  In my size.  I, like a good, mature mother, didn't buy them.  I wanted to.  Oh, how I wanted to.  And, after we had left the store, I almost went back to get them.  But, I didn't, and I spent the last couple of weeks kicking myself for not buying them.  I tried to tell myself that I'd never wear them, that they were for kids, not for a 36 year old woman, that I was too old - despite the fact that today I went out in a pair of black and white pinstriped pants, a long sleeved Blondie T-shirt (that's the Debbie Harry Blondie, not the cartoon chick) and a pair of black and white converse.  I kept telling myself that I didn't need them - but at the same time I knew that I really, really wanted them and that had I bought them I'd have FOUND outfits to wear them with. 

Dave and I went to the mall today.  We went to Hot Topic.  Miraculously, those boots were still there.  I tried them on....and they fit.  Perfectly.  So, I spent $22 and I bought them.  I'm wearing them now, actually.  And you know what?  It feels great.  I'm NOT too old for them.  I don't care what 'What Not To wear' says, this is ME, dammit.  I'm wearing what I want, and I'm fekkin' LOVING it.

I got me some bondage boots, and they rawk!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 05, 2006
But who defines 'taste?'

Me. And bad taste is going shopping at the mall and seeing a lady in her late fifties at about 250 lbs wearing fishnet for a shirt. Just. Fishnet. {shudder} After that experience, I'd say a simple pair of bondage boots are probably on the safe side. Conservative even. Actually they bear a strong resemblance to tanker boots, just a foot (pardon the pun) or so taller.

P.S. Meow.

P.P.S. Pictures are definitely in order. Maybe not the dirty ole man ones. Frankly the suggestion of nudity was just crass. Maybe just something tasteful and simple. Say with a leather miniskirt with handcuffs and a cat o' nine tails.
on Jan 07, 2006
Dharma~ You ROCK those boots MAMA! Who says moms can't be sexy?

I bet they look great on you!
on Jan 07, 2006
I'm proud of my dorkiness

as well you should be.
on Jan 08, 2006
Awesome boots! I'm jealous!

As uncool as some may find it, I think Hot Topic totally rocks. They have the coolest t-shirts, and I love their goth-lite girl clothes. They have some neat stuff for kids and babies, too.

I think it's sad when people decide that they're "too old" to enjoy the things that they like and that make them happy. Life's too short to spend it living according to someone else's expectations. Wear what makes you feel confident and plucky.

Then again, I have no shame. I'll take the boys to school wearing pajama pants and I'll get totally dressed up for mundane stuff. If other people don't like it, they don't have to look at me. Hehe.
on Jan 08, 2006
I love them boots!!!! Forget them people on What Not to Wear, If you feel good in it, wear it. I would love a pair of boots like that. I don't believe in dressing your age, it's so lame. My mom looks killer in short skirts and shorts, and tanks. I have finally gotten my parents to dress younger, and they feel soo much better for it. My dad wears Carpenter pants with a looser feel and makes him look 10 years younger than the 50 that he is along with nice button up shirts. Way better than what he was wearing, v neck golf shirts and overly fitted jeans (not good for his frame) He feels better about his looks now and even has even lost some weight.
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