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Life As An Air Force Wife
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Dharma's new tattoo.
..and pics of the other ones too.
Published on March 5, 2004 By
I got a new tattoo today.
I had been thinking about it for a while. I have a theme as far as tattoos go, and had an idea that I thought would work really well, so I went off to Matt Thrash's place this morning to talk to Mikey about my idea.
I told him what I wanted, he drew it, I loved it, and off we went to his chair for inking and a chat.
You can see the results here:
The infinity symbol is the new one. The ones on my back were done by Mikey, and the ourobourous was done by Matt.
I decided to get the new infinity on my upper left arm: the orobourous is on my upper right arm, so now I have some balance.
My birthday's coming upin a few months: I'm considering some 'wings' on my shoulder blades, done in the same stone effect as the rest of my stuff......
Let me know what you think, I'm interested in people's opinions....and i'm sorry for the poor quality of some of the pics: I'll try and add some more this weekend...
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Yoga socks and legwarmers
on Mar 05, 2004
I like them!!!!
You have been rather sensible - stand out tatoos on chicks aren't attractive at all... I am actually thinking about getting a tattoo at the moment, but its something i want to think about for a while... and the only thing i can think of that i would want to tatoo on my body some people would find antagonistic - a picture of Che Guevera
on Mar 05, 2004
It's your skin, dude. You have to put in it/on it what you feel is right, and screw what other people think, dig?
I put them where I did because that's where I wanted them to be....but I'll agree, I did compromise a little and put them places that I can cover up if I have to. But still, I got what I wanted, where I wanted it.
Now I'm all excited at the prospect of getting my 'wings' done on my shoulder blades!!!!
on Mar 07, 2004
I'm actually looking forward to seeing what those wings will look like.
on Mar 07, 2004
Yeah, me too.
on Mar 08, 2004
Ever seen Stevo's (from jackass) tattoo. It says "your name" in nice signature style on his ass....that's just too funny.
I dig yours, they aren't too busy, and probably not anything you'll get sick of.
on Mar 08, 2004
Don't get defensive, I am truly interested, what inspires one to get a tattoo? I have never understood the appeal. Maybe I have a deep rooted opinion as the result of seeing a rose on my aunt's chest that got more and more disgusting looking as time went on.
Truly, I am not judging. Just interested. Differences in people fascinate me.
Doesn't Kelly Osbourne have wings on her shoulder blades?
on Mar 08, 2004
Yes, Kelly does, but mine are going to be a LOT different than hers...more spread out over the entire width of my shoulders. hers are more in the middle of her back...mine are going to frame the tattoo I already have between my shoulder blades, give it a little balance.
Hmmm..what inspired me to get tattoos.....well, all of mine are an outward reprsentation of inner feelings, thoughts and beliefs. I have an infinity theme going on..and I happen to have been lucky enough to have found an artist who's work I really, really like.
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