Shea had me do the green hair and eyelashes again today, and this time didn't run off when I asked to take her picture. She's feeling much better, btw....she went back to the Doc again this morning and we figured out what was wrong - she'd dislocated a rib. Luckily one of the pediatricians is a doctor of ostopathy, and he was able to come in and pop it back into place. Right after he'd done it she sat up and took in a deep breath - and didn't wince because it hurt. She's a little sore still but it's nothing compared to the pain she'd been dealing with all week.
That's my girl, all decked out in her neo-punk best. 
When Dave come home for Thanksgiving, our kid took a photo of the two of us chilling on the couch. It's a little fuzzy, but it's not too bad (see, Davey? I posted your handiwork. Will you please quit bugging me now?) 
(Hmm...I actually have some cleavage in that photo! Cool!)
And last but not least, my son decided for some unknown reason to see if he could fit himself on the top shelf of the linen closet. He could. Here's the result:
(my linen closet WAS all nice and neat until he took all the sheets out and stuffed them on the next shelf down....)