I was talking to someone this morning about the wingman program that the military practices.
Basically, each individual is supposed to be a wingman for someone esle. They're supposed to watch out for them, take note of any unusual behaviour or issues that the person may be facing. Bascially, they're supposed to have the other person's back.
It got me thinking about who my wingman is. I guess that I have a few people who I consider wingmen - Dave being the primary, but Little Whip, Texas Wahine and my friend down the street are all wingmen in their own way too.
In turn, I'm wingman for them - and other people too. In fact, I consider myself a wingman for any military spouse. Because I understand what they're going through...I have a pretty good idea of what they need and when they need it because I've been through it myself and I know what I needed at the time.
So, my sisters-in-arms ......it may not mean much to you, but know that I got your backs. I'm your wingman. All I ask is that you consider yourself someone else's wingman.
Who do YOU consider to be YOUR wingman?