I'm having a hard time with Buddhism lately.
I mean, the precepts are wonderful, but.....I'm a scrapper at heart *winks @ LW* and that just doesn't jive with Buddhism.
I've been reading and thinking about Hinduism a lot lately. I can dig the trinity they have - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, creator, protector, destroyer. It's a lot easier to swallow the concept of three separate deities, each representing a single facet than it is the Christian god who destroys cities, drowns people and does some horrible things to Job, then turns around and preaches love, tolerance and compassion a few hundred years later. At least with Hinduism you pray to whatever god you feel best suits your purpose...and if all else fails, Ganesh is your man. I think I'm going to get a Ganesh statue to sit alongside my Buddha and try to feed him milk every once in a while.....
I've also been reading about Chaos magick. It's an interesting concept, that. It's a bit deep and sometimes a little freaky sounding, but it makes a lot of sense.
I don't know how many of you watched 'The X-files', bit for those of you that did...do you remember the poster Mulder has in his office, the one that said 'I want to believe'? That's how I feel about Christianity. I really do WANT to believe, but I just can't. I've tried. I just don't think that Christianity is for me. Having said that, I read some Gnostic texts recently that gave me hope that there really IS a god and that the Bible isn't the end of the story....or even the ONLY story. There were some things contained in them that, when added to the things I'd read in the Bible, made a hell of a lot of sense. I even had a couple of 'ah, that makes perfect sense!' moments.
I guess what I'm trying to say about Christianity is that I really don't feel like I fit in with any particular 'brand', for want of a better word. I had thought about going to a United Church Of Christ that's close to where I live - I had seen their ad about everyone being welcome at their place, including gay people and thought that they might be willing to have me too - but that got sidelined because of the surgery and Dave coming home. Besides, pretty much ever denomination I know of would ask me to accept that the Bible is a complete and whole text, and after reading what I've read I don't believe that it is.
So, I guess for now I'll worship in my own way. Actually, I don't even think 'worship' is the right word to use. I think that 'honor' is better. I'll honor the universe around me, I'll honor whatever deities may be, I'll honor the earth who nourishes me, I'll honor my fellow humans (yeah, even the ones that I don't like or who piss me off) and I'll honor my promises to my husband and my kids.
I wonder if I could set up a 'Church of Dharma' and get a tax exemption certificate? I mean, if the Scientologists can do it.....