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Published on August 9, 2005 By dharmagrl In Life Journals

The asshole child molestor I wrote about a few months ago had his Court Martial today. I had wanted to attend, but my recovery precluded my being there.  D went, though.  He had to, this dude's his prisoner.

He (the child molestor) entered a plea agreement, so there was no trial.  He got 9 years confinement and a bad conduct discharge.  Our daughter said that didn't seem like a lot - so her dad and I asked her if she could remember being 4, because that was 9 years ago.  It IS a fairly long time, but....I've seen people who comitted similar crimes get a LOT longer.  One guy at our last base got three times that. 

This guy today.... is a controlling, arrogant sexual predator, and he deserves every second of his sentence.  He won't serve it here, he'll probably go to Leavenworth. As Shovelheat and my husband will tell you, there's a pecking order in prison and child molestors are at the bottom of the pile...this guy will probably be wearing a frilly apron and cleaning house for a big redneck named Bubba by Christmas.

I can't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at that.

on Aug 09, 2005
*rooting for Bubba*

There are some sicko's out there, for sure. Although the sentence could have been tougher, you're right... he won't have it easy any time in the near future... and hopefully will have to live with the stigma for the rest of his life. He will have to register as a sex offender, right?
on Aug 10, 2005
Uhh, makes me sick! I hope prison is a horrible experience for him, and he earns every second of misery for the next 9 years.
on Aug 10, 2005
9 years ain't enough... not even close.

send him to MM prison where there is only one sentence for child frackers. slow painful death.
on Aug 10, 2005
9 years ain't enough... not even close.

send him to MM prison where there is only one sentence for child frackers. slow painful death.

I do hope that it's something involving fire ants and honey?
on Aug 10, 2005

He will have to register as a sex offender, right?

Here's the thing....he's already been convicted of a similar offence once, and was already registered as a sex offender.

on Aug 10, 2005
he's already been convicted of a similar offence once, and was already registered as a sex offender

And he only got 9 years THIS time? You've got to be kidding. Forget it. I say let him rot there. Grrrrrrrr.
on Aug 10, 2005

I do hope that it's something involving fire ants and honey?

I wish!

send him to MM prison where there is only one sentence for child frackers. slow painful death.

Again, I wish!

I hope prison is a horrible experience for him, and he earns every second of misery for the next 9 years.

Me too.  He's already served one sentence for a similar crime....let me explain it to you:

Military Court Martial convictions automatically go to an appeal.  Sometimes that appeal process can take a fairly long time, and often the individual is released from their jail sentence before the appeal has been completed and they can be discharged from the military.  When that happens, they're on something called 'Appelate Leave'.  This means that whilst they're not getting paid by the military they're still under military jurisdiction...they have an ID card and are eligible for medical, dental and shopping benefits and privileges, and are subject to the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice).  Well, this prisoner that got sentenced yesterday had already been Ct Mtld once for a similar offence, had been sentenced, served his time, and was out on appelate leave when he re-offended.  He's been on the sex offenders registry since his first offence, and will be on there for the rest of his life now.

Although the sentence could have been tougher, you're right... he won't have it easy any time in the near future... and hopefully will have to live with the stigma for the rest of his life

Oh yeah.  He'll be marked as a sexual predator for the rest of his days, and he deserves it.


on Aug 10, 2005
That is why we have Cooeys out there.  Disgusting.
on Aug 10, 2005
That is why we have Cooeys out there. Disgusting.

Yep, I agree. I personally think that this dude should be locked up for the rest of his life. I'm not going to go into too much detail today (I will sometime in the future), but I can tell you that this second offence showed an escalation of behaviour. Obviously being incarcerated once wasn't enough of a deterrent to stop him from doing it what makes anyone think that this 9 year sentence will prevent him from re-offending when he gets out next time?

I honestly think that the second strike, especially when the offender demonstrates an escalation of behaviour, should be all it takes to be incarcerated for life. There shouldn't be another chance, they shouldn't ever be allowed to live amongst or mingle with the public ever again. Ever. They should be housed in a special facility for the rest of their lives. We as a society owe it to our children, to the next generation of Americans, to do whatever it takes to keep them safe from sexual predators, and right now we're doing a crappy job of it.

We have to start coming down hard on there assholes; we have to stop thinking in terms of rehabilitation and start thinking about our children's safety.
on Aug 10, 2005
was thinking more along the line of showing monster child porn, when he gets hard shove a hollow glass tube up his penis, then smacking penis with the hollow tube with a hammer.

let him use that for anything. jerk, creep, monster. grrrrrrr
on Aug 10, 2005
was thinking more along the line of showing monster child porn, when he gets hard shove a hollow glass tube up his penis, then smacking penis with the hollow tube with a hammer.'ve spent some time thinking about that, huh?

I personally am in favor or surgical castration. Chemical castration requires that the offender keep going back for shots...if he misses one (or a few) then he's back to normal. Surgical castration is permanent. However, neither of these methods stops the offender from thinking about offending and having lascivious thoughts about children, which is why (IMO) they need to be permanently separated from society.
on Aug 10, 2005
Oh yes, the "pecking order" will take care of him. They'll know what to do. Somehow in this thought there is more justice!
on Aug 11, 2005
It still weirds me out seeing stuff like "I hope that rapist/molestor/whathaveyou gets raped every day in prison!"

But maybe I'm just naive.
on Aug 12, 2005
I personally am in favor or surgical castration.

So am I, but I think that they should start cutting just above the shoulders........with a rusty spoon.