Yes, beloved Joe users, not only have I assaulted you with tales of breast lumps and pubic hair waxing, I'm now going to let you in on the mysterious workings of my digestive system.
I have a tummy ache. I've had one since last night. I've also not been able to eat anything today without running off to the bathroom 10 minutes later, and not being able to leave said bathroom for half an hour at a time.
I think that it was a BK chicken garden salad last night that did it. I ate it at 730, and it managed to work its way through my gut by 1030 when I was awakened with stomach pains and a desperate need to 'go'. I know it was the salad that worked it's way through too...I'll leave you to imagine how.
So, I'm now 24 hours post-salad, and I'm still feeling poopy (pun intended). I don't want to take imodium, because all that does is slow your gut down...leaving whatever is causing me to have the trots festering in there.
I hope to god this is over tomorrow. This sucks. Really. I couldn't go swim today because of it (you're not supposed to go swim when you have an upset tummy), and I couldn't go shopping today because I was afraid I'd have to make a mad dash for the restrooms.
Somebody make it go away!