No, I won't grow up.
Hell no, I won't grow up.
I'm not even going to age gracefully. Screw that.
I'm going to keep dying my hair un-natural and funky colors, and I'm going to enjoy my weird hair cuts and styles.
I'm going to wear clothes that are totally inappropriate for a woman my age.
I'm going to get more tattoos and I may even throw in another piercing for good measure.
I'm not going to behave in an manner appropriate for my age.
I'm not going to slide easily into my late thirties. I'm going to show up late, wearing a mini skirt, fishnets and doc martens, my hair spiked and streaked with scarlet, and I'm going to hire the entire brass section of an orchestra to trumpet in my arrival.
Grow up? Nope.
Not gonna do it.