My boy Jake smashed his front teeth yesterday.
My friend Kim was watching him, and last night I got a frantic call from her saying that he had been 'bunny hopping' on his scooter and had hopped too high....he had hit his face on the handle and smashed his upper front teeth.
The one on the right is 75% intact, and I think that the dentist might be able to rebuild that one...but the one on the left is about 75% gone. Shattered into a hundred little pieces.
Poor Jake was so upset...
"I only just got my grown up teeth and now they're all broken!!" he cried when he came to show me what he had done. he was right; he only lost his baby teeth last September and was so proud when he got his permanent ones in.
So, I'm taking him to the dentist on Tuesday so we can come up with a plan to get his teeth fixed. I don't know what they're going to want to do; he's been looking pretty crowded on the top and he still has a lot of growing to do so I'm not sure that crowning them is going to be the best solution.
*sigh* boys......
(I added this so y'all can see what he did...looking at it today, the left one is worse than I thought)