You know, Ive been fooling around with my guitar for about a month now. I had a week long hiatus when I caught my thumb in the rat trap and couldnt play, and even after that I haven't been exactly dilligent about playing daily.
The last time I played, i got frustrated and disgusted with myself because I couldn't get the strum pattern for a song right....and I got even more frustrated because I couldn't get co-ordinated enough to sing and play at the same time.
It put me right off playing. I got pissed off at myself because I felt like a dumbass.
Friday after I got back from the doctor, I picked up my guitar and tuned it. Just for kicks, I decided to try and strum along to 'Time Of Your Life'.
It all came together. All of sudden the strum patterns and chord changes became easy, and I even found myself singing as I was playing. I wasn't even trying very hard! My hands and fingers and voice and eyes all worked with each other and I played and sang that song three of four times over because I was enjoying myself so much.
It's given me a boost, an incentive to try and play more. I'm able to sing and play 'Turn The Page', and I'm working on Bush's 'Glycerine' today. Yeah, they're simple songs, but I get such a sense of accomplishment out of mastering them.
I stopped trying so hard, and things happened.
Perhaps I should try and apply that philosophy to the rest of my life too....