So, I just got back from the ER.
The stone is gone down into my bladder and the pain and fever are due to a kidney infection...but check this out: I have 2 kidney's fused together on the right side. One is kind of a half kidney, it never really formed properly, and has probably been slightly infected forever because the ureter that comes off of it is dilated. So, I have to go see a nephrologist now to see if that needs any additional treatment. My daughter had the same problem, she spent most of her first year in and out of hospitals because the second kidney had a different drain rate than the primary one and got so infected it was damaged beyond repair. She had a nephrectomy just before her first birthday, and hasn't had any problems since. I beat myself up for years over that; thinking that I had done something when I was pregnant to cause it....and now it seems like it's simply a genetic anomaly.
Secondly....I have big, scarred ovaries from multiple ovarian cysts that no-one treated. I have another ovarian cyst now, that's been causing pain I have to see a gynecologist too. I had a hysterectomy, but I kept my ovaries...but now it seems like taking the right one would have been a good idea.
So, I'm messed up. I'm on antibiotics, and I have to go back for a recheck Monday....if I'm still infected, I get to spend a couple of days in IV meds to kill off the bacteria. I'm going to do my best to have that NOT happen.....