I bought two new books today.
I wish that I hadn't. They're both awesome books - 'East of Eden' by Steinbeck and 'The Time Traveller's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger. Steinbeck I've been wanting to re-read for ages...the first time I skimmed trough it without really appreciating it. This time I want to savour and enjoy...to absorb the information from the pages and immerse myself in the story held within.
But I was stupid enough to pick up and read the first page of 'The Time Traveller's Wife'...and I was hooked. There was only one copy left on the shelf, so I felt like I had to buy it...and I did.
Now I'm facing quite a connumdrum.
I can't read both books at the same time. It would be almost sacreligious....I feel like I owe to to the authors (and myself) to put as much into reading the book as they did into writing it (especially Mr Steinbeck)..and trying to read the two at once will only detract from the experience.
Steinbeck, being the author that he is, really should come first.....but Niffenegger has such a pull to her words. If I read her first, I'll feel guilty about not giving the Steinbeck that I've wanted to get my hands on for ages first shot.
Hmm. What to do.....
.....Steinbeck it is.