No, this isn't a Buddhist wisdom blog (I'm not THAT predictable
I'm doing things one handed for a couple of weeks. Actually, it's one-armed.
I dislocated my left shoulder (again) on Saturday. I reached behind me to scratch my back, and it slid right on out. It's come all the way out 3 times in the past year (this weekend was the 4th), but according to the doc all the clunking and stuff I hear when I swim and stretch is my humeral head sliding partially out. So, he says I have to treat this incident a little more seriously and be in a sling for 2 or 3 weeks, with physical therapy after that.
I never realised what a pain in the ass button fly pants are, or how difficult it is to pull pantyhose (I hate that word, btw) on with just one hand. Driving can be a bit tricky, and washing my hair is an exercise in frustration. Typing at work is ok, my keyboard drawer is high enough to where I can stick my hand out of the end of my sling and type away, but at home I'm doing it single handed. Yesterday I had to copy some files to send over to the Defense Counsel for the declaration of findings on a case we've got going, and I about made a sow's ear out of it - I had everything nicely collated, ready to put in envelopes. Instead of asking for help carrying it I decided to try and do it alone....and dropped half of it. It took me half an hour to get it all put back in order and ready to go again.
I don't like accepting help from other people, I feel like if I can do it alone then I should do it alone..... I feel like a pain in the ass for asking someone else to stop whatever they're doing and help me, so I try and tough it out. I don't want to be a burden or an inconvienience....and I know it's probably no big deal to anyone else, but it's a big deal to me.
This is a pain in the bottom....