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Published on January 18, 2005 By dharmagrl In Entertainment

The first episode of the new series of American Idol is giving me a headache.

It's very hard to watch....veery, very hard to watch.

I sit here, cringing.  Wincing visibly, I'm told, at the attempts some people are making to 'sing'.

I am constantly amazed at people's ability to sweeten the truth, to make it a little easier on themselves.  People manage to talk themselves into believing anything....and then are devastated when they are told what the rest of us can see - that they can't sing, never were able to sing, never WILL be able to sing, and that they're not going to Hollywood.

I'm telling myself that this is what it must be - because it's either that or we have a epidemic of narcissisism.




on Jan 19, 2005
Incredibly off topic, but I was wondering if you could recommend a book or something on Buddhism for someone who's interested in getting into it.
on Jan 19, 2005

Yes, I can.  For the basics on what the philosophy is about I'd recommed 'Buddhism, Plain and Simple' by Steve Hagen.  'The Complete Idiots Guide To Buddhsim' is very good too; very comprehensive. 

There's also 'The Naked Buddha' but I can't recall who wrote that...

on Jan 19, 2005
Well some of them probably think of it this way....

I probably DON"T sing well... BUT if I don't go and try, I'll never know if I could have somehow made it. Risk, looking like a fool for a few days, Reward, possibly making it famous.....

So most likely people just are willing to try and hope something comes out of it, because after Willy Hung there, you never know what will happen.
on Jan 19, 2005

Check out my in-depth Idol report on my JoeUser weblog.

The audition by that guy named Jesse was really painful to watch.  (Jesse is the guy who forgot the lyrics and had to ask his family in the library.)  I imagine that what he did (or inthis case: didn't do,) was the worst fear of any prospective Idol talents.

on Jan 20, 2005
Ah yes, first there was (and still is) the Cult of Celebrity and now there is the Cult of I Wanna Be A Celebrity. It sickens me. If American Idol is as bad as Australian Idol, then I pity anyone unfortunate enough to stumble on it while channel surfing. Me, I can't stand it. I've watched probably 10 minutes of both the first and second series together. My wife calls it Karaoke Television. Idol... urgghhh...

