Well, I decided that I needed to get out of the house. I don't want to go back to work because of all the upcoming stuff I have going on....surgeries, deployments etc etc. I cannot ask an employer to let me make my own hours; that's just not fair. But, I don't want to sit at home the whole time either, I need to start working on some kind of social network before D buggers off to parts unknown and leaves me all alone again.
The answer? Volunteering. I happend to call the Red Corss this morning and offer myself up...and they just happened to have gotten a call from the legal office yesterday afternoon, asking for help. I just happen to have a decent amount of experience (enough to make me useful and somewhat dangerous) in the area they just happened to be looking for help in (actually, they were looking for all-aound help, so my prior experience is a huge plus)...so our two worlds collided and off I went to legal this afternoon for an interview.
I start tomorrow morning, in Military Justice. I work the rest of the week (my own hours, yay!), then start in on what will hopefully be a regular Mon, Weds, and Fri 830am to 3pm or so gig. I'll get moved around from department to department, so I'll get to do some claims, some contract law...all kinds of cool stuff. I have the option of not going if I don't want to or if something else comes up, I can change my hours if I want/have to....it's pretty much ideal (thus far, anyway).
Plus, I got to meet some super-cool people, and they have work lined up for me already - and no, it's not just shredding and filing. I get to do real world stuff - especially in Mil. Just., that's the criminal part of the house where all the Art 15's (non-judicial punishments) and Art.32 hearings and judical punishments (ie Courts Martials) happen. All the bad boys and girls come through that office...and believe it or not, it's actually a plus that my husband runs the jail on base, because I'll help deal with the cases and he'll deal with the bodies that get sentenced!
I'm feeling pretty damn good about it, actually. I feel like this might not only benefit the legal office, it might just benefit me too. It's all good experience....and you can't beat that.
I hope my suits still fit........