I finally found something my dachshund won't eat!
Salt and vinegar flavor Pringles! He pestered me for some earlier (and by that I mean he sat up and begged until i gave in
), so I gave him a couple.
He took them in his little mouth and trotted off to the corner where his food bowl is (he prefers to take all his treats over there for some reason). He dropped them, sniffed them, sneezed 4 times in a row.....took a quick lick and then walked away. I'm sitting here eating some even now, and he hasn't bugged me for any more.
This is the dog who will eat anything my family eats. He's eaten cabbage, both raw and cooked, onions and garlic (again, raw and cooked)...lettuce, tomatoes...breakfast cereal, fresh baked cinnamon rolls, split pea soup, raw bread dough, mushrooms, angel food cake, apple pie, corn...if we've eaten it, so has Henry (sometimes with quite pungent results LOL)
He's sitting on the back of the loveseat now, looking at me with his beady little black eyes, ears perked up.... Here, I'll show you what I'm talking about.
I never thought it was possible to love an animal almost like a child....but I love this little weiner dog like that.
How could anyone not love a face like this ?: