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Published on December 21, 2004 By dharmagrl In Internet

Take note, all those who create fake internet personas, all those who make anonymous comments and then swear it wasn't them...


It was this woman's IP address that sealed her fate.


on Dec 21, 2004
The Internet Is A Wonderful Thing If used properly!
on Dec 21, 2004
This should be a warning to criminals and potential victims alike. Don't go making arrangements to meet just anyone. Brrr. 
on Dec 21, 2004
I just read a popular mechanics article about this and you would be amazed at the ways you can be tracked without even knowing it.
on Dec 21, 2004

Experts say IP addresses are not foolproof; they can be made up, like nearly anything else in the Internet age. But they often are part of a package of evidence that can lead to a conviction

Unfortunately, as the article correctly points out, it is easy for someone in the know to spoof an address.  Virus writers do it all the time to cover their tracks.  In this case tho, the murderess was not sophisticated enough to cover her tracks.  WHo says criminals are smart?

on Dec 22, 2004
That's why in the name of irony or not, threats are and should always be taken seriously. This was a really sick thing to do.