Henry, my weiner dog, has some things to say about the article I published about him this afternoon...
jcjcxnujhn ikn uj78u jfn ujujhnm vy676 huyyopl;cxnhhddc jmnc vw6yat34r,krfzgkjtghjnb; dfakljdfaJHUDFiokjldfkhdsfak
Ahem...I will give this my best shot at translation...
im not a yobbo like she said i just like the new green thing with the shiny stuff that she put out for me to play with and she put a nice new blanket under it for me but she yells at me when i go lay down on it and try to be a good dog like she wants. i dunno what im supposed to do. i think i'll go poo in the corner that'll teach her to tell me i'm a naughty boy. oh, and if anyone has any leftover bird from the other day im available to come and take care of it for you.
Hmmm....and they say animals are stupid...