I had the great misfortune of standing in line behind someone who smelled bad today.
This man....was overweight, wearing pants that were so dirty they were shiny (I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about), a shirt that had big yellow stains blooming from under the armpits to halfway down the sides, a long greasy bead that had what I presumed to be bits of food stuck in it, all in various stages of decay, long greasy hair and green teeth.
The stench.....made me almost gag. It wasn't body odor,it was waaaaay beyond that.... this was stench. This wasn't a fresh BO smell either. This was days and weeks of being unwashed and wallowing in his own filth. I've had cause to work with corpses in various situations, and I've tolerated the smell of a 3 day old un-refridgerated body better than the rankness of this dude. D was standing next to me with his hand over his mouth, his thumb covering his nostrils. I wish I could have done the same, but my hands were full.
We talked about it on the ride home....how in the hell can anyone stand to let themselves get like that???? I mean, I know that you're immune to your own stink, but this was insane. It was unhygenic. It amde me want to come home and take a shower, as if standing that close to him somehow contaminated me.
You know, I don't shower every day. Every great once in a while I'll let myself go....but it's not routine, and if I saw (or thought I saw) someone in proximity to me covering their nose because I smelled you can bet your ass I'd be scouring my body with soap and hot water at the next opportunity.
Why do people not clean themselves? A bar of soap, a bottle of shampoo and a stick of deodorant cost less than $5 if you buy the cheap stuff (which is just as effective). Is it a pride thing? This isn't even really about appearance...this is about hygeine, basic human hygeine.
Yet another thing to add to the ever-growing list of things I don't understand.....